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Sector Admin

Posts: 2,939
Ya know what...

on Sunday, January, 05, 2003 8:22 PM
Reading the instruction booklets for Maze-A-Tron and Solar Sailer I never realized how complex the game play is. Solar Sailer seems to be the reall hard one. The whole thing narrows down into a circular map of sectors and tracks.

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Posts: 4,450
Didn't know that.

on Sunday, January, 05, 2003 9:29 PM
Since I don't have the solar sailer one I don't have a clue but Mazatron I do believe you. on that one sketch.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.

Sector Admin

Posts: 2,939

on Sunday, January, 05, 2003 9:52 PM
I still remember playing Maz-A-Tron when I was younger. Never could get far in that game. Reading the instruction I see why now.
I always got stomped by a recognizer.
Funny... My Deadly Disc instruction booklet is all in german. Ironic that I took a year of german in highschool and haven't clue what this books says.

I'm going to scan some of these booklets. Deadly Discs has some nice little mini art that'll make some awsome button graphics.

Posts: 4,450
No wonder...

on Sunday, January, 05, 2003 10:44 PM
(Hearty Laiugh) Now I know why you had a hard time playing the game. I know I speak a little bitof German myself. ANd I understand most converations in German with my parents and their friends that come over. One game I liked from the intellivision was the deadly discs. That was a good one. I could alway go far in that one. Just avoid getting all the warrior off and they won't come. And have one of the slowest warrior live on there and have a good time with that one.

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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.

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 Ya know what...