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 Can you do THIS? :)

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Posts: 47
Re: Can you do THIS? :)

on Thursday, July, 31, 2003 1:56 AM
Well, I'm happy to play against anyone, no matter what control systems they use. sadly, this wouldn't decide ANYTHING, because I'm in New Zealand, and I doubt very much whether there will be a Peer-to-Peer option in multiplayer.

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Posts: 101
Re: Can you do THIS? :)

on Wednesday, August, 06, 2003 7:03 PM
I think everyone tends to conclude that macros make a better player; one more likely to defeat others who don't use them. High tech methods can be convenient, certainly, but a lot of times high tech can be a crutch and could conceivably be crushed by no-frills manual gameplay.

On a similar note, some have been on the receiving end of what they consider impossible disc shots from me; to make a similar point, the high tech in the majority of my opponents is their broadband connection versus my low tech 56K which tends to spike like a muhfuh. Truthfully my equilizer is all the practice I've squeezed in since the demo's release, and my willingness to face multiple opponents at once. If anything can teach a disc warrior survival, it's learning to doggedly resist multiple opponents with eager willingness and never to complain when you're outnumbered. In the end it's wisest to consider all the variables that make up the complete player.

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Inode 2.0
Future Control Industries
Toronto, Canada
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  Tron 2.0 
 Can you do THIS? :)