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 Converting Discarena Maps to Derez

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Riley Pizt

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Converting Discarena Maps to Derez

on Friday, November, 21, 2003 2:23 AM
Since there are so few derez maps, people who create discarena maps should convert them for derez play as well. To do this, first create an INFO.TXT file for your map. Be sure to at least specify the "disc" as the default weapon, i.e. DefaultPrim0 = "disc". Use an existing INFO.TXT file like DM-01INFO.TXT as a template.

Current discarena maps can already be played in derez mode since both gametypes can use ArenaStartPoint
spawn points although having the segmented/isolated arenas prevents players from moving between them. So, to make all of the arenas in a discarena map available, simply place teleporters in them. To do this, place a "TeleportPoint" object in the map you want to be the teleporter destination. Then place a "PlayerTrigger" object where you want the player to teleport from. Set the "numberofactivations" on the trigger to 0 so there will be no limit to the number of times it can be used. Set the "command" for the trigger to "msg activeplayer (teleport )". So, if your teleportpoint destination is "teleportpoint0", the command would be "msg activeplayer (teleport teleportpoint0)". It is essential to use "activeplayer" and not just "player" since using "player" will cause all players in the game to teleport to the destination.

Finally, place the map and its INFO.TXT file into the WORLDS\RETAILMULTIPLAYER\DEATHMATCH subdirectory inside the REZ file for it.

Whether or not you should place other or any weapons in the converted map really depends on the map. If the discarena map is small or uses the breakable cubes, having just the default disc, the sequencer, and/or the cluster disc may be all that is appropriate.

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  Tron 2.0: Design Characters and Levels 
 Converting Discarena Maps to Derez