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Posts: 66
Better 20 years late than ever.Greetings Programs!

on Tuesday, January, 06, 2004 6:04 AM
It would be fair to say that TRON has always taken pole position as my FAVOURITE film – and that’s a big thing. Maybe not the best, or always the most enjoyable but definitely my favourite – since 1982. Being a 16 year old becoming totally fanatical about it when released here in Australia in December 1982, I must have watched VHS copies of it at least several dozen times in the ‘80s before the tapes literally disintegrated in the machine and for one reason or another they were not replaced.

That is until 20 years later, when finally I was able to catch up with it again in it’s newly DVD’d form. (and a mighty good DVD presentation it is, too I might add).

Think.. the last time I watched this thing the Internet didn’t exist. And..also.. I was not part of the megabuck film industry myself (that didn’t happen until 1994.) TRON has awoken a sleeping giant in me and it would be safe to say that I could be still classed as a “fanatical fan”. So I find myself loading the disk in again and again and every time I watch it, it seems fresh and new.

When you work on production of films regularly it’s hard to get out of production mode and fire up your imagination again – but Tron is one of those films that never disappoints. The imperfections in TRON demand that good imagination is essential to enjoy it and enter into the film to make it more than the sum of it’s parts.

Seeing through the keyhole.

Since working on film projects like the Power Rangers Movie (1994), Babe: Pig in the City (1998) and Moulin Rouge (2000) I have come to describe film making as being similar to looking through an art gallery key hole. Inside is this wonderful world of imagination, art and make believe which I get to see when working on that side of the door. But when you sit down and watch the preview, months later you get a sort of amazing cross between satisfaction and disappointment.

Satisfaction because what’s unfolding before you is so fantastic. Disappointment because you sit there (knowing full well what really happened during production) only to find that so little of what really was there – actually made it to the screen. Watching a preview of a film I have worked on is akin to stepping outside the room, closing the door and attempting to watch what’s happening inside through the key hole. I can imagine that no project would have felt more like that to it’s original producers than TRON…

If you want to know any more about who I am to say this then you need to visit While you are there take a look at my piece-de-la-resistance.. the Power Rangers Megazord Cockpit I did in 1994.. and see if you can see any of the (obvious) TRON influences coming out.

Hmm.. they did want me to work on The Matrix back in ’98 aswell but I was still engrossed in the world of the little talking pig at the time. Hmm. Kinda glad I didn’t now.

Firstly : the Art.

No film – anywhere – has ever (nor is likely to again) feature the artistic masterpiece that is TRON. Every frame is a work of art, and the DVD reveals how much more of that art that could ever have made it into the film. TRON will always stand as THE quintessential motion picture artwork of the 20th century.

The artwork of TRON was constrained by the technology available at the time. However it is these same constraints that made the art of TRON so captivating, simple and visually wonderful. It’s a bit like clearing your house of all the clutter and discovering the beauty of gazing upon clean framed windows and freshly painted walls.

Any successful sequel will need to be very faithful to the original artwork. The temptation to build the electronic world from more complex shapes must be avoided at all costs instead relying on the art of movement through the space to inspire rather than changing the surfaces themselves.

The original TRON in particular was heavily constrained by the “back compositing” animation process that made up so much of the film. Motion Controorder abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 3,488
Re: Better 20 years late than ever.Greetings Programs!

on Tuesday, January, 06, 2004 8:43 AM
Wow, that was very lengthy and interesting!


And interesting information on the zord thing... used to be a fan of Power Rangers. order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.

Sector Admin

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Re: Better 20 years late than ever.Greetings Programs!

on Tuesday, January, 06, 2004 7:42 PM
Greetings, and welcome zordmaker!


Now THAT'S one hell of a first post... ok, that's one hell of a post, period! And I thought I was long-winded

Short on time tonight, so I had to skim through the posting. I got the basics - you're a TRON fan, and another highly creative mind - two GREAT traits!

I had to say that I'm personally glad they cut the love scene. I think it would have indeed given the film a slightly different feel... one that would have kind of dampened it in my book. Just my opinion.

I LOVE the movie as it is - a bit strange and quirky, loaded with fantastic concepts and incredible visuals, and an all-around fun and wonderful film. How I wished (and still do) I could have entered the world of TRON.

BTW - When you try to log in again, you may need to request your password sent to your e-mail. The password you chose when you signed up may not work. Just use the login name you chose and the password sent to you by the tower guardian, and you should be fine. There are some quirks to signing on new sometimes.

Enjoy the Sector!
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Posts: 5,314
Re: Better 20 years late than ever.Greetings Programs!

on Friday, January, 09, 2004 12:18 AM
Greeting Zordmaker. Quite a message there. I am going to read and reply this weekend. Just wanted offer a greeting.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill


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 Better 20 years late than ever.Greetings Programs!