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 TRON Pins at

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TRON Pins at

on Friday, June, 25, 2004 5:19 PM
Has anyone seen the new TRON pins at on eBay? They are selling Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy pins. Here's where they are


Posts: 4
Re: TRON Pins at

on Saturday, June, 26, 2004 1:47 AM
While the new pins look simply fantastic, I can't imagine coughing up $80+ for a set of pins. I've purchased all of my Tron pins months after they came out for quite a bit less than retail in most cases. Of course you never really know when you take a chance by waiting ;^).

One thing I know for certain is that I'm in no real hurry to support Disneyauctions. At one point a year or so ago it was rumored that eBay was contemplating pulling the plug on them due to their *TERRIBLE* customer service. Before they made their abysmal feedback private, I used to read it and marvel at how they can get away with anything it seemed. Of course given the insane amount of income they provide for eBay, I have no doubt that they could shaft the next 200 customers sans any serious repercussions.

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Posts: 3,488
Re: TRON Pins at

on Saturday, June, 26, 2004 4:14 PM
I know I can't afford them! order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 4,450
Re: TRON Pins at

on Saturday, June, 26, 2004 4:21 PM
I know I can't afford them either over here. Way too expensive even for a tron fanatic. I used to collect pins myself from different things like car show, Howrod shows and even from Science fiction shows. The most that I have ever paid for a pin was about $10-15 $20 maximum and that depended on what it was colourde in or not. All in Canadian prics as well.

Last time I remember when they were getting ready to bring out the game Tron 2.0 they had a set of new pins for that. And it was about 40-50 american. If they realized even if they were a limited edition. They should have made it still realonable to buy without hurting the pocket. for a nice set like that.

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 TRON Pins at