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 Hish Scores

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Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Friday, December, 24, 2004 8:30 PM
I will happily eat my words if I see it for real. I have my doubts, but let's see the proof. Photos are not going to cut it by the way. Too easy to doctor.



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 9:54 AM
My most recent high score (since I started playing again is 431,816.

I am almost ready to go for 1 million.

I took pictures of the score and I also recorded the entire session with a webcam.

DaveTRON, I would be happy to set up a live webcam session so you can see me play live.

When I am on, I should be able to reach 1 million without losing a life.

And, the levels don't get any harder the longer you play.
They stay hard, so you have to be quick to decide what to do. If you make the right choices, then you can achieve higher scores.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 11:51 AM
A video clip after the fact will do. Sitting and watching someone play TRON for 6 hours to get to 4 million is not something I relish doing. Video I can review at high speed and catch the fun parts only. Looking forward to seeing this happen, if it can. where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 12:13 PM
The high score in Tron goes back to zero after 999,999.
For now, I am looking to get to right before 1 million so the score will stick.

After I have done 1 million a few times, and hopefully without loss of life, I will be ready to try for the big one.

I still have to fine-tune my patterns as well as backup patterns for when I make a mistake.

I wasn't planning to do a live webcam for 6 hours since I am not ready to play that long yet.

Going for 1 million is more doable right now.

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 12:19 PM
Nifty. We'll see.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 12:28 PM

Is there any part of the game that is keeping you from being able to get more than around 200k?
I would think if you knew what was coming next or was simply ready for whatever came next then you would be able to score much higher.

The only thing that would stop me right now is the little mistakes. My reaction time is getting much better as is my ability to recognize the level when it starts.

I would think that if you can achieve higher scores, then my score would seem more doable in your eyes.

Yeah, I know that there are very few people that have even come close to something like 4 million, but given the time and proper preparation, it will be done again.

It would be nice to hear from someone else that has at least gotten to 1 million. That would offer some encouragement.

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 12:31 PM
What kind of video setup do you have for recording the game? I am using my webcam which is decent, but due to lighting, the recording will never look perfect.

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 1:34 PM
I enjoy playing the game, but I don't get hardcore about scoring into the stratosphere.

I haveseen friends play well into the 300K range in the past and I probably could do the same today if I applied myself. I don't have that kind of spare time though, and even if I did I think it would take all the enjoyment out of the game for me if I were getting robotic about playing to a high score.

I just enjoy having and playing my two cabinets.

I do think it's interesting you are trying to turn the conversation to my playing. Avoiding something are we?

I know what the best players in the world have scored on these machines in individual games, and none of them have ever claimed what you claim. I have even seen someone roll it to 999,999 before. I know that can be done, but by maybe two or three people in the world.

I found your initial statements to be a bit fantastic, and I called it. I know how the championships were played back in the 80's and everything was combined scores, not one giant score. Now you seem to be doing far more explaining than is necessary rather than offering the proof.

We hear about photos, but they are not posted here, are they? Where is this webcam video? You just seem to be trying very hard to get me to drop it so your boast can stand without proof.

I am trying to avoid believing this is an out-an-out lie, and I have told you what I think is required to prove such a boast. I have offered to apologize should such proof be presented. We really have nothing more to discuss until then.

My personal playing ability has nothing to do with whether I believe you can achive a single sitting play through to 4 million points.

As for video. I use a Canon Optura Xi video camera to record and it does a great job. Look at the video clip I posted of my niece playing for a smaller example. The uncompressed version of that is clear as a bell. You are correct that Webcam is not the best method.

Since this is something of a world record if you can actually do it, I would suggest adopting some proper method of documentation to record what is truly a monumental feat if achieved.

I for one would be happy to see you do it, but I think you are foolish for boasting about it before you have any real proof. This should be on TV if you can do it, I just don't think you actually can until I see the proof.

You really don't have any obligation to prove anything to me at all, but you also don't have any right to post whoppers here and not expect to be called out on them either.



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 2:08 PM

I didn't come on this site to get into a war with you.
This site asked for high scores and I was happy to oblige.
I am not running and I am working my way to prove my score and of course beat it. I was getting to your scoring not to take anything away or change the subject.

Check out this site:
You'll be surprised.
It doesn't have my score of course (one day it will).
How do I post my current pictures? The webcam file is 150 megs. I'd have to compress it to post it.

And, I don't want you to take my quest personally.
I've held this with me for 22 years.
Having the chance to do it again is all I want.
I might just try to break it at Disneyquest. If they'll recognize it there.

Let me know what you think of the site before you keep flaming me.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillwhere to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 3:10 PM

We are not in a war. I have no problem with you, only with one thing that you have said that I find hard to believe without seeing proof. I am not flaming you, I simply feel you are not being totally honest with us.

The Twin Galaxies site is amazing and it only serves to back up what I am saying. 4 million points is an anomaly, not a common feat. Two people on that list are in that range, only a few more can do 1 million or close and then it tails off to lower scores even I can hit. I appreciate you posting that info.

I think this is something you want to achieve, and I am all for that. I will personally help you achieve it if I can. However, I have a real problem with someone walking in out of the cold who has only posted here 9 times bragging that they can do something amazing not many people can do.

Here's an analogy for you. A guy walks into a church during a drought in the midwest and says 'I can make it rain'. The people are immediately intrigued and those who are not thinking clearly shift their hopes to this stranger who claims he can help. He then tells them he needs money to get supplies to make it rain, so buy my snake oil so I can get what I need to make it rain.

The skeptics suddenly wise up but don't say anything at all. The fools give him money, and he dissapears into the desert with their money, and no rain takes place.

Your claim is like that. It comes off as something designed to make us lowly TRON fans worship the ground you walk upon despite the fact that proof is non-existant.

I am certain there are other skeptics on this site, and they have taken to sitting back and watching to see if you confirm their skepticism, and then they will pipe in with their 'I told you so's'. We don't really have any fools here who will buy that line without proof, and as someone who has told some whoppers in his lifetime, I am a demon when it comes to calling people on their claims when I feel it is untruthful.

Now, you are not yet a liar in my book, and I really don't want you to be one. You do sound like someone who wants to achieve this feat. You may have done it already on your own where nobody could see the proof, but that doesn't count.

I work for Disney. I might be able to help set up a session to allow you to prove it live at Disney Quest. I'd be willing to try anyway.

I want to see you do it, I really do. I'd be happy to be wrong about this. Just don't tell me you can walk on water unless it's in the form of 'Oh, did you just see me do that?' Anything else makes me think you are selling snake oil.



Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 3:28 PM
To upload, use the Member Uploads option on the menu at the left. When I see the images in that area I will move them to the live galleries where others can see them too.

As for the video. If you want to send it to me on CD we can arrange that and I can segment it and post it on the site too.

Send me a PM and we can work that out if you would liek to.

Again, we are not enemies, I am really on your side, I just want to see the proof of your claims. Please don't take it personally because it isn't intended that way at all.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 3:48 PM

Glad we are not in a war.

Yeah, very few people have ever achieved was I have (claimed) achieved.

I am going to prove my claim.

Since I only recently started playing again, I have to practice to fine tune my game before I am ready to try.

If you can help set up the attempt at Disneyquest that would be great.

Tron has been the most important game/movie in my life.
It started me on my career in computers.

I am not about to give it a bad name.

Give me a little time to prepare, and you will have your proof.

I'll post my first picture when I get to the million mark.
If I can make it without losing any lives, then I'll be ready.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

Tron WR 14,007,645
Will D

Posts: 38
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 5:31 PM
From reading all this, I am noticing from playing every day that it doesn't get too much harder for each progressive level, in fact, the tanks seem to get easier. I'll let y'all know if I can get my score much higher in the next few days. I keep having issues at Assembly and OS with the light cycles but am trying different patterns to beat it consistently. The spiders and cone don't seem to be a problem. Also, it seems like to get a bit, you have to be under 20 possibly because I have been in on 23 or so a couple of times and then didn't get a bit the next time. I'm also going to start paying attention to what level I'm on so I can think in my head as to what pattern will occur for that level.


Posts: 5,314
Re: Hish Scores

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 7:46 PM
That's the best technique. find what works for you, recognize, and implement. It's sort of routine. I have combinations of things that work for me so if I miss something or get stuck in a tight spot I can work my way out of it.

With lightcycles, I always get them to follow me and make small channels for them to turn into and crash.

For Tanks/Recos, lots of bouncing shots and knowing who is going to be coming towards me first.

For the cones, it's knowing how it will turn and the best way to shoot a path into it. Then plant myself in a safe space and shoot as many blocks as possible.

Spiders are always the same. Clear a path to where you want to be and shoot as many of the buggers as you can. You don't get extra points for wiping them out, although it's fun to try, so why not just let them spawn more points for you?

I guess since I am being such a nitpicker about dctron's score I ought to put up some of my own playing techniques and show what I can do too!


Will D

Posts: 38
Re: High Scores

on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 1:28 AM
Is there anyway to rename this topic to High Scores DaveTron?


Posts: 5,314
Re: High Scores

on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 1:37 AM
Nope, the person who started it had to do that. You can fix it in your replies though.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pillabortion pills online cytotec abortion



Posts: 100
Re: Hish Scores

on Wednesday, December, 29, 2004 10:11 AM
I just came up with some great patterns for the light cycle stages starting with PL1.

I am now ready to do some practice runs before I attempt to break the world record.

I have all the levels mapped out and the only thing I have to worry about now is getting tired.where to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 100
Re: High Scores

on Friday, December, 31, 2004 11:08 AM
My new current high score is 849237.
This was a late night practice run.
I got to around 700k before I lost my first life.

A few more practice rounds, and I should be ready to try for the record.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

Tron WR 14,007,645

Posts: 63
Re: Hish Scores

on Friday, December, 31, 2004 12:12 PM
My highscore is 175k (dont remember the last 3 digits)

I average out around 120k

yeah I would need some proof on that 4 Mill....sorry to sound harsh. But if you are going to have a claim that surpasses anything on twingalaxies, you really should have a pic or some vid to back it up before you made the post.

I have a machine I would gladly let you use (in new jersey, not sure where you live) I will even video tape it. Hell if you get even over 2 million I will give you my machine

"on the other side of the screen it looks so easy"


Posts: 100
Re: High Scores

on Friday, December, 31, 2004 1:56 PM

I plan to have 2 million if a couple of game plays.

I actually didn't post a higher score than anything on twin galaxies. Someone posted a 4.5 million score.

I am trying to break it.

I will also videotape it with the help of my computer.
The digital camcoder will only record 1 hour, and I will need more than that. I will use my dv link to record directly to the computer.

Since I only recently got my machine, I am still learning the game again.

I recorded my game last night, at least until I ran out of tape.

I don't want to take your machine, but since I got to around 700k, being tired at 4 in the morning after a hard day of work, under the right conditions (not being tired), I'll at least get to two million.

I used to live in NJ, I am currently in Florida.

I can post some video, but since the file size is so large, I'm not sure the best way to do it without losing video quality.

Maybe I'll take a trip up to NJ sometime (still have family and friends there), and we can get together for a friendly game.abortion pills online cytotec abortion

Tron WR 14,007,645
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 TRON and Discs of TRON Arcade 
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