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 "Light Cycle" game play help

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Doug Jacoby

Posts: 0
"Light Cycle" game play help

on Monday, December, 20, 2004 2:00 PM

I finally found a Tron Arcade game in a local night club 1 mile from where I live.

I was playing it last night and I found I had problems with the "Light Cycle" grid stage.

Can some one guide me in intricate step by step strategies in how to beat the different levels of the "Light Cycle" grid?

Pictures would be very helpful.


Posts: 5,314
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Monday, December, 20, 2004 2:55 PM
To do so here would be rather difficult.

Essentially, the objective of Light Cycles is to enclose the enemy in a box before they enclose you in one.

Good strategies are to get them to chase you towards a wall, then turn along the wall so that there is room for them to drive between your light wall and the hard wall. Then your objective is to drive to the next wall and turn so there is no longer a gap for them and they crash.

Not sure it that is clear or not. I have been thinking about video taping myself playing to provide some tips, maybe I can do a few of those to help you out so you can see it in action. No promoises on when I can do this, but I will try and get it online soon.



Posts: 0
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Thursday, December, 23, 2004 8:44 AM
the trigger makes you go faster, hold it down at beginning of level & play very aggresively.

the first bike stage u wanna go straight at the single bike then at last minute turn right, then left, with trigger held down, then mebbe back to opponents line & let off trigger, that shoudl kill him.


the 3rd or 4th bike stage is pretty hard, but the first advice will help ^^^ fast & aggrowhere to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online

Doug Jacoby

Posts: 0
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Friday, December, 24, 2004 6:13 PM

I have tried that and it doesn't work.


You have videos, when can I have them?

Happy Holidays


Posts: 5,314
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Friday, December, 24, 2004 6:49 PM

I still have to record them, but possibly later this weekend.where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online



Posts: 0
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 12:33 PM
the opperater of that game must have it set to very difficult, still, an agressive driving style is the only way to beat it. (imo)

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Posts: 100
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 1:08 PM
The difficulty level on changes the screens that you will see, or the order the screens will appear.
There are distinct patterns, that when done, will make beating the light cycles very easy.
The main thing is recognizing which level you are playing.
I don't make my first move until the light cycles make their move.
Depending on their pattern, I'll then turn left or right at the appropriate grid mark. You can be one or two (sometimes) off of the mark and still make the pattern work.

Tron WR 14,007,645
Doug Jacoby

Posts: 0
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Monday, December, 27, 2004 10:58 PM

Just give me a video to look at.

This could get confusing.

Will D

Posts: 38
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Tuesday, December, 28, 2004 5:31 PM
I'm working on coming up with something for cycles and tanks for each level. Started trying to write down what each level looks like so I can then remember what I do for each one. Also writing down what direction the IO Cone goes in.


Posts: 100
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Wednesday, December, 29, 2004 10:04 AM
Here is a challenge:

How many light cycle stages can you beat by going slow the entire stage?

I videotaped the 5 different light cycle stages from PL1 onward . The first 4 I can go slow the entire time. The 5th one is a little different. I can start out slow and half-way through I speed up. I used to have a completely slow pattern for the 5th one, but I can't do it yet.

I can post the video after I edit and compress it.

However, you might want to try first before seeing it.

Tron WR 14,007,645
Doug Jacoby

Posts: 0
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Wednesday, December, 29, 2004 11:42 PM

Some one send me a video already.

Will D

Posts: 38
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Thursday, December, 30, 2004 10:55 AM
Let me know if I'm off on any of this and I can update it. I made this so I could know which way the cone goes, which way to go on my cycle, and when i needed to shoot immediately on tanks without having to think about it. Also, on recognizer level, you should stop prior to going all the way up and kill the recognizer in front of you then continue up and turn right.


Posts: 5,314
Re: "Light Cycle" game play help

on Thursday, December, 30, 2004 11:58 AM
Hmmm. Now that I have some free time on my hands I should give these a try.


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 "Light Cycle" game play help