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 building Dillinger's desk

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building Dillinger's desk

on Tuesday, January, 18, 2005 8:29 PM
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone out there had any detailed info or closeups of the desk prop used in Dillinger's office. I'm a big Tron fan (always have been, since the first time I saw it on video disk). One of my hobbies is tinkering around with electronics, MAME, and interesting input devices. Lately I've been working with touch circuits, and I'm planning on putting together an Encom inspired top for my MAME cocktail cabinet, complete with light-up (and functional) touch pads and touch keyboard.

The circuitry is pretty much complete, apart from a bit more soldering and some parts that I'm waiting on. I still need to put together an overlay that goes above my touch sensors and below the topglass. I've been able to get the basics of the keyboard and keypad from stills of the DVD, but before I draw my own I thought I might ask you guys if anyone has a detailed picture or a scan of the slide used to project the keyboard surface(s).

Thanks for reading,



Posts: 3,301
Re: building Dillinger's desk

on Friday, January, 21, 2005 2:50 AM
Hey Jude,

Sorry, but I don't have anything. I always loved Dillinger's desk and always wanted one for myself Once your project is complete, I hope you swoop back to Tron-Sector to post some pics of it!

I hope you find what you're looking for, as well.


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Re: building Dillinger's desk

on Friday, January, 21, 2005 4:52 AM
I would love to have Dillinger's desk. Kewl project. Definantly post pictures both of process and completed work if you can!

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Re: building Dillinger's desk

on Friday, January, 21, 2005 5:12 AM
Hello again!

Thanks for the replies and the encouragement--it really helps keep up the morale on a project like this. I took some screenshots of the movie the other night, and have been playing around trying to get some of the panels put together. Unfortunately, all of the movie panel images are taken at an angle, so if I want to print out the panels I'll have to reconstruct them myself. So far I have one that I slapped together--check it out:

Movie still:
My panel:
Fortunately I was able to find the Encom logo right here on this website.. thanks to whoever put that up there! I definitely need to get going on this project.. I'm tempted to put some fingerprints on my monitor already!

Stay tuned programs!



Posts: 4,450
Re: building Dillinger's desk

on Friday, January, 21, 2005 7:20 AM
Wasn't there a discussion already about this. I think someone else had mentioned it at one time a number of threads ago on this board. It would be interesting to have a desl something similar to what ED Dillinger had. I do remember seeing at one point in a Catalog some where far far away. A desk similar to like Dellinger. But without that alternate pad there. But it definately had the screen inside the tabole top there. I thought just that and having the keyboard hanging undeneath the desk with the mouse was cool. Maybe we could all join in desigining such a deak. For what ever size monitor that we could used here. What do you babetrons and guys think?

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 building Dillinger's desk