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 Tron restoration etiquite

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Tron restoration etiquite

on Sunday, December, 11, 2005 7:12 AM
I just picked up my first Tron upright today. It's pretty wrecked. I'll get some pics up soon. I'm going to really enjoy repairing. I enjoy knowing that I will be bringing it back to life.

I have a few questions regarding restoration. I want to restore the LOOK of it to it's original state. As far as the interior goes... I'm ALL for upgrades. Is upgrading possible? Is it done? Did I just offend everyone? Or is that a common question.

What I would like to do is take out all the crazy old open fuse wiring and big giant (touch 'em and die) capacitors, and replace it with a home made computer that can handle the game as well as load DOT onto it. (again.. did I just offend everyone? ..Sorry if I am) Just correct me if I'm out of line.

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Re: Tron restoration etiquite

on Sunday, December, 11, 2005 4:53 PM
A TRON arcade game restored 100% to the original specs would be preferable (and probably worth more $$), I'm sure, but I don't think any TRON fan would have a problem with the interior parts being replaced with updated components.

I'm pretty sure that so long as the outside presentation of the machine is true to its original glory, and the game plays and sounds just like it should, then you're good.

I can't blame you for wanting to update the clunky, old somewhat dangerous electronics of 20+ years ago with more up-to-date and safer components.

Looking forward to photos of the restoration-in-progress! order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 5,314
Re: Tron restoration etiquite

on Sunday, December, 11, 2005 5:02 PM
Replacing the guts of the machine is done all the time.

Especially the power supply.



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Re: Tron restoration etiquite

on Sunday, December, 11, 2005 5:46 PM
Thanks Todd. Yeah the cash value doesn't matter to me so much as (and this may be the new machine talking) but I never plan on selling it.

This is like the family broach that gets passed down theu the generations. My kids great grandkids will own this. HAHAHAHAA

As for Dave. I'm in Burbank all the time. My wife works at Dic (In tooluca Lake across the street from Bob's Big Boy. And We're in Burbank at the media center often.

You mention upgrading the power supply. How do you do that? Is there a site (or a link on here) you can point me to? I also have a Tempest. And it doesn't even come on (but it used to) I'm assuming the power suppply is out on that as well.

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Posts: 5,314
Re: Tron restoration etiquite

on Sunday, December, 11, 2005 6:39 PM
I haven't done it to mine yet either, but it would be fun to work with a friend to make sure it's done right.

I need to replace the motherboards in my TRON as well to eliminate a reboot it does sometimes.

I also have Discs of TRON and it needs sound work.

I don't know anyone in the area who enjoys this sort of thing, so it might be nice to team up and work on them together.

I'll dig out the link for the power supply thingy. Give me a little time on that.



Posts: 6
Re: Tron restoration etiquite

on Saturday, December, 31, 2005 3:39 PM
The switching power supply can be grabbed from ArcadeShop:
Look for the "MCR Power Supply Conversion Kit"... I would highly recommend this; the power supply is responsible for a whole host of bad things.

The other thing to check is the wiring harness; loose connections can make strange things happen. As an example, a loose connection at the encoder wheel (spinner) caused my sound board to go dead. Go figure.

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 Tron restoration etiquite