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Posts: 1,201
Magic and Machinary

on Monday, September, 18, 2006 9:58 PM
Magic and Machinary
Part 1
Okay, so you people all know about everything related to TRON. But think of this: one in a million programs don't work with machinary. some of them defend the system with magic.
DATE: 9-18-06 7/33 PM
A program is being chased by a corrupter.
????: Take this, corruptor creep! Galwit!*Froosh, paff*
????:C'mon, Teble, how can we get out of here?
Treble: Nearest Recognizer grid 336 bits away.
????:Yes! we can escape through there!
Corruptor:You can't run forever, Shadow!
Shadow:Maybe I don't have to!
*Activates lightcycle*
Shadow:How much farther, Treble?
Treble: Nearest recognizer grid 83 bits away.
Shadow:Yes! We're almost there!
*Lightcycle deactivates*
Shadow:Aw, gridbugs.
Treble:Gridbugs not within 500 bits.
Shadow:Shut up. Ah! Here we are!
*After a hard drive through the grid (ha ha, hard drive) Shadow sees a sleeping program revolving slowly on a record player*
Shadow: Uh, Hello?
Shadow: Huh?
NoExcuses:Oh hello. My sausage is NoExcuses. What is your egg?
Shadow:My name is Shadow, Are you okay?
NoExcuses: Oh, sorry. I always get a little bugged up immediately after stasis. As I said earlier, my name is NoExcuses. You must be that shadow program, the last program besides me and a few others who avoided corruption.
Treble:Warning! corrupter within 50 bits!
Shadow: Aw, gridbugs! Get ready, NoExcuses.
*Pulls out wand*
NoExcuses: Right.
*grabs disc*
Narrator:An action adventure cliffhanger! How mildy inconvenient. Join us again for part 2 of:
(End part1)

Mental Sector
Dakota Bob

Posts: 410
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Tuesday, September, 19, 2006 9:47 AM
Me like, the "hard drive" bit made me giggle where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online


Posts: 1,201
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Saturday, October, 07, 2006 3:16 PM
(wow, it's been a while. *Blows dust off fanfic*)
Magic and Machinery part II
After a battle with the Z-Lot (corrupter), Shadow and NoExcuses head into the HQ, both dangerously low on energy.
NoExcuses: Nice spellwork back there.
Shadow: Thanks. You were an expert with that disc.
NoExcuses: Yes.
Shadow: Say, nice shelter. OMG! That energy pool must go on for like 8 bits!
Shadow stoops down for a drink of energy.
NoExcuses: Naw, hust for 3 bits or so.
NoExcuses Proceeds to dunk head in pool for nanoseconds at a time.
Shadow: Hey, you wanna see something neat?
NoExcuses:Glubb glub glubba.
Shadow: I'll take that for a yes. Nermax! Du!A ball of pure energy rises from the pool. Shadow makes it levitate back and forth.
????: Hey! Someone else survived!
Shadow: Nyaaah!
The energy ball is shot out of control when Shadow is startled and splashes a blue female program.
Shadow: Eh, sorry. Got a little surprised.
NoExcuses: Hi, Tori! This is shadow, and he's one of those magic programs, probably the only one who hasn't been corrupted or derezzed.
Shadow: and, uh, is there anyone else here?
A yellow program crahes through the wall.
????:Not me. My name isn't DakotaBob and I don't believe in magic.
NoExcuses: he does that a lot.
Suddenly, a large, mechanical head appears!
Head: All uncorrupt programs report to the game grid!
What? a grid match? Now?Everyone is rezzed to the game grid.
End of part 2.

Mental Sector
mega byte.exe.

Posts: 0
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Sunday, October, 08, 2006 6:18 PM
Are you going to include any one else who signed up!?
listen to what the sloganizer says bub or you'll have a face full "o" adamantium!


Posts: 1,201
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Monday, October, 09, 2006 9:43 PM
Part 3
Shadow, NoExcuses, Tori, and Dakota Bob have been rezzed into the lightcycle grid bgy a giant, corrupted Sark head.
Shadow: Oh, great. We're facing 6 corrupters.
Tori: Wait! look at those two!
Two of the corruptors look very odd. One has curly hair and a yellow disc, and the other looks like he just painted his circuits green.
NoExcuses:Hey! I recognize them! Those are FreedomForever and Mega_byte!
Treble: Whatever.
Shadow: Why does Mega_byte look like he just painted his circuits green?
Dakota Bob: That's 'cause he did.
The other corrupters look at Mega_byte suspiciously, and Mega_byte runs over to join Shadow's team, which displeases Treble.
Mega_byte: 'Sup, guys?
Sark head: Begin game!
--15 microseconds later--
Shadow's team, or team Omega as he likes to call it, has escaped the grid along with FreedomForever.
FF: Thanks, programs. I needed away from those deadbits.
FF's lightcycle deactivates, along with all the teams'.
Shadow: Dubbleyooteesee?
FF: sorry. That happens a lot.
NE: No matter, there's some Recos over there!
DB:Only three?
Tori: I guess that makes two programs per reco.
Shadow: Alright. NoExcuses, you're with me. Dakota B, you're going with Tori. Freedom, You're with Mega B. To the reco grid!
End of part 3.

Mental Sector

Posts: 1,201
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Tuesday, November, 21, 2006 9:54 PM
Part IV
Three recos controlled by team Omega travel across the reco grid, derezzing about a lot of bad recos. Eventually the come across a blue reco.
????: Stop! I don't want to fight!
Shadow: Too bad, sucka! prepare for deresolution.
NoExcuses: No!
*Smacks Shadow to prevent him from shooting*
Shadow: Hey! What's the dizzle?
NoExcuses: I don't think we should shoot him. He's not a z-lot.
*Shadow stares at NoExcuses gape-mouthed*
Shadow: That's the first time you've ever acted completely sane!
Treble: Yeah! What's up?
Tori: *over recocom* Why don't you think we should derezz him?
????: I am one of The Order of the Dragon! I am Watergleam, the summoner!
Shadow: Watergleam! Buddy! I thought you derezzed along with the others!
Watergleam: Nope! In fact, the others didn't derezz, either!
????: Flameshine! What a finesurpise this be!
Shadow: Forestsprout! Who else survived?
Watergleam: Well, There's Windsong, Earthclaw, Spiriteye, Lightblade, and, rather unfortunately, Darkspider.
Shadow: Cool. But why'd you call me Flameshine? I'm Shadow.
Spiriteye: It's because of that accursed Mobeta's mask! It's attached to some corruptor named... Thorg or something.
NoExcuses: What? Mobeta's Mask and Thorne? Oh dear... This could be bad......
Shadow: How'd he get a hold of-
FreedomForever: Hey! We can't just talk here all day! We need to get moving! These recos don't have much time left on 'em!
Lightblade: We need to head to the fire temple! There is where you'll be able to regain everything!
Tori: Then let's get movin'!
*Soon, Team Omega and The Order of the Dragon reach the fire temple as the recognizers shut down.*
Shadow: Great timing. Here we are!
*steps into fire temple*
Spiriteye: Guh! What've they done to it?
End of Part 4.

Mental Sector

Posts: 1,201
Re: Magic and Machinary

on Friday, February, 02, 2007 11:46 PM
[When he sets one foot in the fire temple, all existance suddenly is not there. I got bored.]Here we go! [cracks knuckles 6 ways from sunday]OK. So maybe existance is still there. So maybe Shadow killed The fire demon and recovered Mobeta's Mask. So listen to this.
Ok. Start
[loading fanfic]........
]loading 50%].........
[ERROR could not load fanfic].........
[File lost][Wait! Wait! found it!][Loaded 100%]K. Is this thing on?
Alright. Good.
Now when I take this block away from the camera, promise you won't scream.
[block is removed to reveal heavily corrupted pit cell][[A program, looking about 13 user years of age, is holding a block. the block is actually a block of frozen code containing a strange mask. The mask has tendrils extending from where there should be ears and a forehead. The almond-shaped mouth with blue, sharp teeth, is located sideways, and between the eyes, which are both yellow, red-irised, and glowing. The program holding the block is wearing what a user would say to be glasses, a hat, a sweater, and slacks.]]Now before you use that laser, You have to know something. The last user who used it was the one who caused this. My user.
His name is-
[static][blip]End of chapter 5.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill

Mental Sector

Posts: 1,201
New thing

on Saturday, February, 24, 2007 3:01 PM
Ok, that's it. I quit with the whole plot crap. I'm gonna do EPISODES!
Episode: Free or no free?
Written by Shadow
The camera opens onto Net City. Programs are lined up in front of an iTunes estore. Enter Shadow's buddy,
MSN: What's all the ruckus?
iTunes.msc: Didn't you here? They've started giving away free download!
MSN: What? Aren't those unfair to the users who wrote them?
Sark: Who cares about the users? They're FREE!
MSN walks to the front of the line.
iTunes.msc #2214: Hey! no cutting!
MSN: All right, what's going on?
Shadow: Sorry, MSN, there's been a mix-up. Someone told someone else about some free cookies at some user store, and it got twisted and turned and rewritten until the news got out all over the web.
MSN: Shadow? Why are you working at iTunes?
Shadow: Since Thorne had been defeated, we security programs have been having slow decaseconds nowadays. We've had to get odd jobs around the system.
MSN: Ouch, pro'. Why can't you tell them that there really is no free music here?
Shadow: Well, there's no way to tell them all without disturbing my job.
MSN: I'll tell them.
MSN turns to the nearest iTunes program.
MSN: No free music, pass it on.
iTunes #2214: (to iTunes #4936) no tree music, pass it on.
The news is slowly spread down the line.
As the crowd breaks up, the only program left is Shadow's other friend, Paint.exe.
Paint: What's up? Why did the crowd leave?
MSN: They thought there was free music, but there wasn't.
Paint: Oh. Well, I just thought I'd let you know that my user's iTunes is coming over for a podcast.
Shadow: Oh. Well, my shift ends pretty soon. What say I join you on the game grid later?
MSN: Alright.
Paint: Sounds good.
*End of episode*abortion pills online cytotec abortion

Mental Sector
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