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 Space Paranoid Handheld?

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Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Tuesday, June, 12, 2007 10:59 PM
Ok if we hit the way back machine about 14 yrs or so ago I once played this handheld device that had Space Paranoids on it. The device was similar to a Virtual Boy(Nintendo) you held it up to your eyes and buttons were on the sides. In the game you actually were driving one of the Tanks in an open blue field. Recognizers would come at you from various positions and you would shoot them down.
I've never seen it listed anywhere or heard of it mentioned by anyone else. I had half a mind at the time to knock the kid out and steal his cause I loved it so much

Anyone out there ever seen anything like it?where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

"Hooray for our side"
Sector Admin

Posts: 2,939
Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Wednesday, June, 13, 2007 12:03 AM
The game you talk of is Tomytronic 3-D Sky Attack
Info here.

Welcome to the Sector program.

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Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Wednesday, June, 13, 2007 8:42 AM

You just made this program's day. This means I'm not in fact crazy, I /knew/ I had played it! lol FINALLY! I not only have a name but info I'm drooling over that page right now. Now to obtain one...
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"Hooray for our side"

Posts: 1,747
Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Wednesday, June, 13, 2007 9:08 AM

OMG I know it's not TRON but it's pretty close. (And for those of your who read the article) TRON RIPOFF!!!

In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!"

Posts: 0
Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Wednesday, June, 13, 2007 10:05 AM
Yeah the article says that heh heh, "blow away those recognizers!" lol.

There is one of them on Ebay right now for 124.99 plus s&h

Definetly gotta work on getting one. It will be mine...oh will be mine...

"Hooray for our side"

Posts: 1,747
Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Wednesday, June, 13, 2007 4:18 PM

I want one cheap!

In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!"
Sector Admin

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Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Sunday, January, 20, 2008 5:38 PM
I actually have Tomytronic 3D Planet Zeon... at least, I think that's the name. It's the same set up, only it takes place in a setting similar to the Death Star trench run. Your ship looks much like a glowing blue X-Wing and the enemy ships look a lot like something you'd see in TRON, but not specifically designed like anything I can think to compare them to.

I'm sure a quick net search on Planet Zeon would do it...

Actually, here you go. This shows the basic look, though it looks a bit more vast in the real thing. This seems really squished looking (cramped, not distorted). Only one of the corner ships (X-Wing) shows up at once - it looks like they lit up all the player ships here for some reason.

The last time I powered up my game, it still worked, although some color bleeding was present.

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Posts: 68
Re: Space Paranoid Handheld?

on Friday, March, 14, 2008 6:13 AM
This thread is a year old, its generally not a good idea to dig up old threads.

Just busting your bits Todd for coming down on Lazor so harsh in the Tomy Tron thread.

I'm new here, and BOTH the Tomy Tron and this handheld marvel held me in awe as a kid.
There were commercials for both games maybe they'll turn up on youtube to amuse us.

I never owned either, especially after testing this game at an OddLot (where my parents bought the already canceled Aquarius) and was more overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the Vectrex with its lightpen with animation software.

That day I didn't have the pleasure of getting either electronic marvel and instead got my Tron yo-yo for a dollar.
Funny how how such memories stay with us.

Thanks all for digging up these images, links, and memories!
(the scuzzy data was in there after all!)

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 Space Paranoid Handheld?