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 MHz help

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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: MHz help

on Thursday, August, 07, 2008 10:26 PM

What model of iMac is it? Are you sure it's got a Rage 128 Pro? If so, then I'm afraid you still don't meet the game's minimum requirements for the Mac version. You also need a better video card.

Mac OS X version 10.2.8
700MHz PowerPC G4 processor
256MB of RAM; 512MB for iMacs
32MB Radeon 7500 / GeForce 2MX video card
2.5GB of hard disk space
QuickTime 6.4

Compucore Wrote:I know on the PC side we needed a bare minimum ov a Geoforce fx5200 in order to play the game itself. With 128 megs of ram for the video card.
Nah. Even the PC's minimum requirements doesn't ask for more than 32 MB of video memory. But more is always better, yes.



Posts: 4,450
Re: MHz help

on Thursday, August, 07, 2008 10:53 PM
I think TronFAQ has it pinned down for your mac there for the videocard. The one that you have is not powerful enough for the game itself. It migh be underpowering in the rendering of the game itself. You might have to upgrade that as well if you can for the mac that youare using. I'm fortunate enought that the pc sides are not that bad. Where everything is modular depending where you pick up your computers and all that. Exception for brand name ones where it makes it a bit more difficult if it is a medium to a small form factor chassis. like the gx 150 and the GX270 dells that I have as my alternate computers. e gaming rig is a clone computer that I am using to place the game itself. I will see if one of these two machines will work with my fx5200 videocard at home
either way if I can use either one of these two workstations it is a bonus for me. Since I will be well ahead of the game for my alternate machine.

Tronzilla Wrote:I think I'm using a Rage128Pro or something.
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To compute or not to compute that is the question at hand. Tis nobler to compile in C++ or in TASM.


Posts: 156
Re: MHz help

on Thursday, August, 07, 2008 11:47 PM
TronFAQ Wrote:

What model of iMac is it? Are you sure it's got a Rage 128 Pro?
It's a G4 PowerMac, and it said it has a Rage128Pro right in the System Profiler.
Well... least the game actually runs. That's big step step up from where I was.abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

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 MHz help