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 arcTron and Light Flux for Mac

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arcTron and Light Flux for Mac

on Sunday, September, 16, 2007 9:50 AM
arcTron and Light Flux for Mac OS X aren't great games, I'm mentioning them for the record because they are neither in the forums nor in Games > PC Games.


Posts: 131
Re: arcTron and Light Flux for Mac

on Sunday, September, 16, 2007 6:31 PM
Nice mention
shall shove em on my xbox later
(dont ask, just go with the flow on the idea my xbox runs Mac OS)abortion pills online cytotec abortion

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Re: arcTron and Light Flux for Mac

on Monday, September, 17, 2007 6:54 PM
elek Wrote:arcTron and Light Flux for Mac OS X aren't great games, I'm mentioning them for the record because they are neither in the forums nor in Games > PC Games.

Greetings, elek and welcome to TRON-Sector!

Thanks for the TRON-like game links. We'll have to get those added to the games section of the site.

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name?


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 Other Games 
 arcTron and Light Flux for Mac