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Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Recognizer

on Monday, July, 21, 2008 11:11 AM

Qix77 Wrote:One quick thing I'd like to add... Norton may be the most popular anti-virus out there, but I truly believe they fell from grace at the end of the 90's. For an anti-virus/firewall, Norton is more of a resource hog than anything (in my opinion). I usually suggest Avira as a good choice for an anti-virus and I usually use 'Windows Firewall' since it's is always being updated and I never had any problems with it.
I do agree with you about Norton anti-virus. It's okay, but it's not the best. I actually think that some of the free anti-virus programs are better. Like Avira, Avast, and AVG. Yep, free products beating paid commercial ones. Who woulda thunk it?

But I'm not a fan of the Windows firewall. I think either Sunbelt Personal Firewall or Comodo Firewall Pro are good choices. Comodo is completely free, too. I wasn't a big fan of Comodo before, but the latest version of their firewall is a big improvement over the previous one.


Mr. Sinistar
Sector Admin

Posts: 1,642
Re: Recognizer

on Monday, July, 21, 2008 12:46 PM
TronFAQ Wrote:

Qix77 Wrote:One quick thing I'd like to add... Norton may be the most popular anti-virus out there, but I truly believe they fell from grace at the end of the 90's. For an anti-virus/firewall, Norton is more of a resource hog than anything (in my opinion). I usually suggest Avira as a good choice for an anti-virus and I usually use 'Windows Firewall' since it's is always being updated and I never had any problems with it.
I do agree with you about Norton anti-virus. It's okay, but it's not the best. I actually think that some of the free anti-virus programs are better. Like Avira, Avast, and AVG. Yep, free products beating paid commercial ones. Who woulda thunk it?

But I'm not a fan of the Windows firewall. I think either Sunbelt Personal Firewall or Comodo Firewall Pro are good choices. Comodo is completely free, too. I wasn't a big fan of Comodo before, but the latest version of their firewall is a big improvement over the previous one.

Yeah, I love Avast. It beats out all of the other Anti-virus prorgams that I've tried.


"what the hell is a limux.."

- Gattorcar (a user on YouTube) April 17, 2007


Posts: 1,747
Re: Recognizer

on Monday, July, 21, 2008 1:21 PM

Littl tip for those who have almost no space left on their hard drive:
Empty your Recycle Bin
I haven't empied my Recycle Bin since I got my computer (March 2007). Last week I emptied my Recycle Bin. It cleared up 4.62 GB of space.
Delete You Temporary Internet Files
Go to the toolbar while any web browser is pen and click Tools then Delete Browsing History... Then Click "Delete Files" next to Temporary Internet Files. Cleared up about 1.7 GB of space for me.
All this and deleting a few zips and downloaded REZ files cleared about 6 GB of Space from my harddrive... desperately need considering I had only 200+ MB left on my Hard Drive.
You may already know all this but for those who didn't go do it see much much room you get.
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In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!"

Posts: 4,349
Re: Recognizer

on Monday, July, 21, 2008 2:41 PM
I have very exelent news! (if you don't know what that's a reference to, drop everything and get Bill and Ted from your video store now, buster )

I have uploaded the Vista compatible version of recognizer to Hopefully, they'll send me an email to confirm that the game has been scanned and uploaded...

Ah! There it is!
Go down to the bottom of the page, there's an area that says play offline. In that box you can download the game. The ActiveX control tou will be asked to download is for the "play now" feature, which isn't neccesary if you're downloading the game.


TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
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-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 1,747
Re: Recognizer

on Monday, July, 21, 2008 3:20 PM

I have downloaded the file and will play it later, thanks!

In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!"
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