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 Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

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Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 12:57 AM
Hi, I'm new here and didn't know who else to turn to since the main site for the game, along with it's support, was removed.

I'm having an odd issue with the lightcycle sequences. When I got up to level three and started up one of the lightcycle challenges and died, it asks me if I want to restart or not. I click "yes" and when the level restarts, the camera is just locked, staring down at the ground of the lightcycle arena from eagles eye view and nothing happens. You hear spectator dialogue in the foreground, but nothing happens. I wind up having to exit the current came or hitting F9 to reload the last quick save. I've tried completely uninstalling the came along with all of the components, installing all of the current patches, but no dice.

I've had the game for several years now and it's never done this in the past. Any suggestions off-hand?

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 1:30 AM

Did you try pressing the semicolon ; and single quote ' keys?

The semicolon locks and unlocks the camera. The single quote switches between 1st person and 3rd person view.

Your player profile (settings) may have somehow become messed up a little, but hitting those keys might undo the change that occurred.



Posts: 0
Re: Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 11:57 AM
Thanks for the reply. I tried what you suggested, but nothing happened. I tried adjusting some of the graphics settings along with the lightcycle ones in the Main Menu, but nothing changed. Here's a screen-print of the angle it gives me when it locks up if that helps any:

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 1:57 PM

Are you experiencing this same kind of strange behavior in any other games?

Did you recently install any new hardware or software on your computer? Like did you plug in a gamepad or joystick? Is the joystick enabled in the Controls menu? If so, you might want to turn it off.

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Posts: 0
Re: Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 2:03 PM
All my other games seem fine and I haven't installed any other games in the last 9 to 10 months. The only thing I use is the keyboard and mouse.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign

on Sunday, August, 09, 2009 2:28 PM

When you run the game launcher, click the Options button and check to see if Disable Joysticks has an X beside it. If not, click on the box to place an X in it and click OK. Worth a try.

Did you install any software to configure your mouse, like IntelliPoint or SetPoint from Microsoft or Logitech? It's possible that some setting in those programs is causing this weird behavior. For example, SetPoint can detect when a game is running and changes the way the mouse behaves.

Failing all that, you may want to delete your profile and try starting fresh. If you installed the game to the default location and used the default profile, you'll want to move the file "C:\Program Files\Buena Vista Interactive\Tron 2.0\Profiles\Player.txt" somewhere else, to another folder.

Then run the game again. It should create a new default profile. Unfortunately, this means you have to change all the settings to the way you like again. But the problem you're having might have to do with the profile having become corrupted somehow. If this doesn't help, you can always move the Player.txt profile back to where it was.

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 Lightcycle Issues In Level 3 of Main Campaign