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 Server hosting problem again!

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, January, 13, 2010 7:31 AM
Well, I don't change hardware that frequently... only since I can't get nuttin' working anymore :-( But that switch is only just a switch and that all. You know, your average "I connect internal LAN computers with this thing"-switch, so nothing managed or whatever. Only reason why it's there is because the sole LAN port on the Zyxel was not enough to connect my 4 PC's, 2 Servers and Access Point (that's also why I wasn't using another LinkSys router with only 4 LAN ports). And well, opening up UDP and TCP ports in my LinkSys or in a Zyxel should not make any difference (I said "should") :-)

Anyhoo, tonight I'm going to test again with another LinkSys router. My neighbour was friendly enough to provide me with one of those WRT54G thingies he ain't got no use for and I reconfigured another SpeedTouch 546 that I actually got working with my ISP now... only thing is my laptop (connected to the 546) was assigned the public IP on it's LAN adapter. That makes me think that everything is bridged to the LAN device behind the 546. So with a bit of luck I get the public IP in the LinkSys and than I can do DHCP, DNS, POP3/SMTP, HTTP and TRON from the LinkSys. That how it was before my 546 died on me, so I've got some good confidence that it'll be working again.

Yep, that's me... giving, giving and some more giving. I'm a real giver LOL and ROFL and stuff (yeah, that's the cough-sirup talking) ;-)

OK, End Of Line for now and off to finish my chicken sandwich... I'll let everyone know how it turns out. If the above ain't gonna work, then I'm really out of ideas.

European Dedicated LC Server:

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Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, January, 13, 2010 4:52 PM
I'm bahaaaaaaaaack ;-)

Thanx for all the help guys... hope I wasn't being too difficult?? I now have my "old setup" back with my SpeedTouch 546 in bridged mode and connected my WRT54G behind that (somehow I now even have one LAN port to spare).

So all's well again... now let's hope the users aren't gone ;-)

European Dedicated LC Server:

Posts: 0
Re: Server hosting problem again!

on Wednesday, January, 13, 2010 9:47 PM
Awesome! thanks for hosting!! Glad you finally found a fix.

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 Server hosting problem again!