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 Repost and additional material added to Fan Fic

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Repost and additional material added to Fan Fic

on Wednesday, January, 06, 2010 9:47 PM
Sorry my last post wasn't accessible. I reposted what you missed and all the additional material that completes the Story's official chapter 2 enjoy! P.S. If you read this please at least leave a comment this time . . . Please?

“Dear God, it won’t stop! We can’t repair this!” Alan screams. “Our repair bot can’t fix something this complicated; I don’t even see any errors!” Flynn realizes that what must be done is unfortunately the worse option.
“Flynn, I hate to say this, but we’re . . . we’re gonna have to delete Rob.”
“No . . . No . . . NO, DAMMIT!” Flynn screams kicking and flying his arms. “Why? Try to fix it do something! Don’t let him die like this!”
“Maybe I can build some sort of quarantine until I can repair him.” Alan quickly spouts.
“Well do something!” Lora finally screams.
Alan turns back to the computer and frantically types in a command for Repair bot.

Rep slowly, receiving his command, prepares himself to try and isolate Rob. Rep starts to type in commands onto his keypad, gently easing himself in Rob’s direction when suddenly Rob spins around at him and grabs Rep’s face in his horribly fragmented hand. His hand, glowing a hideous green, sends infected energy into Rep. Rep screams but to no avail. Slowly Rob loosens his grasp and Rep falls to the floor, his circuitry dark and lightless. Tron, standing nearby sees that something is wrong and he pulls Rep out of the rez-in station barely avoiding Rob’s line of sight. Tron looks into Rep’s dead eyes.
“Rep! REP!” Tron screams shaking Rep’s lifeless body. “No, what in user’s name happened to you?”
Rep’s eyes suddenly flash, they swell into a bright green. His circuitry glows bright green and cracks of this corrupted energy form all over his body. Rep leaps to his feet. He pulls up his arm to his eyes and watches it slowly dissolve and fragment right before him. He smiles, lowers his arm and glares at Tron.
Rep screams at Tron. The scream, a mash of, horrible ear splitting, human and electronic noise emits from his throat. “Away from me conscript!” I serve only my user!”
Tron stumbles backwards and looks at Rep in horror. “Who?” he asks.
Rep stares him down. “The master user: Jameson.”
Rob hears this and spins around. “Excellent. Delete him my conscript” He commands to Rep.
Tron runs out of the rez-in station towards Dumont. Dumont’s face expresses nothing but pure horror.
“Tron, get rid of those things NOW!” Dumont screams, his whole body shaking.
“I can’t! Rob was a user, remember? I can’t delete a user.”
“You have the ability, just do it!”
“It’s not a matter of ability; the other users want him back. That’s why Rep was here!”


“Flynn, I have to, there’s no other way. We’re gonna have to identify the problem later and do whatever we can to make sure this never happens again.” Alan humbly sighs, almost crying.
Flynn stares sternly at the computer screen. Lora looks at him wondering what he’s going to do. Flynn just looks down at the floor.
“Do it.”
Alan begins to type

Tron pulls out his disc that is attached to his back; he holds it, ready to throw it. “I’m sorry.” he says.
Tron flings the disc at Rep. The disc burns bright white as it zips through Rep. Rep screams a horrid scream as his body glows bright orange, falls to the floor, emits a strange electronic noise, and it turns into several glowing panels float upwards. Rep has been de-rezzed, or in the human world, deleted. The disc, still flying, zips around Rob. Rob flings his arms trying to stop the disc. Eventually the disc zips through him and his huge, deformed body slams against the ground as he is de-rezzed. Tron’s disc quickly flies back into his open hand. He catches it. He looks up to the sky.

ENCOM.SYSTEM. has returned to normal function.
“What now?” Alan solemnly asks Flynn.
“I don’t know” Flynn whispers. “I just don’t know.” He repeats, as he leans against a table.
Lora walks over to Flynn, obviously trying to comfort him. She hugs him. Flynn doesn’t react at all, keeping his head lowered, staring at the floor.
“It’s not your fault Kevin, you didn’t know.” Lora warmly says.
Flynn jumps off the table. “I did know! That’s the problem. Should have left everything on there alone! I have to preserve everything on that server. Can’t let it be changed again.” Flynn nervously shouts, almost to himself, running his hands through his hair, like a maniac. Alan gets out of the chair, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Well Flynn, We’ve officially done it. We killed an employee with this stupid hunk of money-down-the-toilet.” Alan angrily mumbles. “The laser was only meant to transfer objects, why the hell did we think it could do the same with a person?”
“If it was only meant to do that, the MCP wouldn’t have fired it at me. He knew I was going to live and that’s how he knew I could be imprisoned inside.”
“Flynn, are you trying to imply the MCP had . . . Artificial intelligence?”
“Dillinger was a lot smarter than we thought he was.” Lora realizes.
“There’s no way he could have written something that complicated all on his own!” Flynn yells “you saw how lazy he was. Big pushover probably hacked someone else’s script and just added programming to it so it lifted other program’s subroutines.”
“It makes sense, but how it learned to transfer a human is beyond me.” Alan summarizes.
Flynn starts to walk down the stairs of the platform. Lora stops him, knowing he still holds feelings of guilt. “Flynn, it’s not your fault.”
“Yes it is.” Flynn moans.
“No Flynn it’s not, you had no idea the MCP could operate the laser or know how to transfer a person.” Alan reassures “I should try to write a program that can act as a security check for transporting people in and out of the computer, it could hold the code that the MCP used to transfer Flynn and anyone who is transported must be authorized and recognized and then they will be guarded by that program, and if anything goes wrong, the program will remove the user from the system.”
“Brilliant!” Flynn says, throwing his arms up in the air. “Wish I had thought of it before we started this mess. What are you going to call the program?”
“Probably just some line-code name so no one knows what it really does . . . like Ma1a or something.” Alan replies
“ . . . and the code?”
Alan ponders this for a moment. “I’ll call it the ‘Tron legacy code’ of course.”

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