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 Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?

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Posts: 4
Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?

on Sunday, March, 21, 2010 11:22 AM
Hi all. I bought the game years ago, completed it (on easy settings) and wanted to play again. And here's the problem.

Since a few years ago, I normally install my games on a virtual machine running under VirtualBox. Well, they are old games so they run correctly on it.

But Tron 2.0 keeps giving me an error, saying I need a graphic card with 128MB RAM and supporting T&L Hardware (sorry, I'm spanish and installed the game in spanish so "T&L" may be a translation of the english term, which I don't know of).

Well, 128MB Ram is the setting I gave the graphics, but I don't know how to configure the "T&L Hardware" part. Anyone knows?

Oh, and I'm open to change my virtualization software to VMWare or Virtual PC if it's possible on them but not on VirtualBox. But I rather not use the game on the host (real) PC if there is any way of using it on the virtual machine.

Well, thanks in advance.

Mr. Sinistar
Sector Admin

Posts: 1,642
Re: Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?

on Sunday, March, 21, 2010 12:18 PM
Download the unofficial patch:
TronFAQ and his Tron 2.0 blog can help you out with other Tron 2.0 questions.


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Posts: 4,467
Re: Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?

on Sunday, March, 21, 2010 1:15 PM

In addition to using the Unofficial patch, try 3D-Analyze:
Also visit this page to understand how to use it:
To the best of my knowledge, no Virtualization software supports 3-D applications (like games) yet while using hardware acceleration. That's why you're getting that error. 3D-Analyze might let you get around that by doing all the 3-D stuff in software. But the game will probably run pretty slow.

I know you said you don't want to run the game on anything but VirutalBox. But the game will run on modern versions of Windows just fine. It works on XP, Vista, and Windows 7. I have it running on the 64-bit version of 7.



Posts: 4
Re: Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?

on Sunday, March, 21, 2010 2:32 PM
Hi again.

Thanks to both of you. I downloaded and installed the patch (actually, I found a version for spanish games, which keeps spanish dialog) and downloaded and I'm starting to use 3D-analyze. I'll let you know how well it works, and thank you again.

Oh, and I'm afraid I wrote it wrong: It's not that I don't want to run it on anything other than VirtualBox. Reading my post again it sure seems that way, but I'm willing to switch to VirtualPC, VMWare, or any other virtualization software if it's easier playing Tron 2.0 on it. It's just the host, the real PC, the one I don't want to install the game on...

But if there is no other way to play Tron 2.0 I'll finally install it on the real PC.

Again, thanks.
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  Tron 2.0 
 Any way to run the game on VirtualBox?