Sketch Sector Admin
 Posts: 2,939 | STEEL JUSTICE on Sunday, July, 11, 2010 3:34 PM
Finally proof I can show to others it existed!
Oh man... images from this show are scarred into my brain like rusted nails on a raw steak. Thank you ABC for pumping in money on a pilot that involves a cops young son being reincarnated into a giant toy flame throwing metal eating dinozord who wants to avenge his death so daddy can carry on with his life. Blessed truly are thee whom shoots flames out their nostrils and partake of Buicks for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
VHS Japanese cover here (oh the sheer cover glory!):
Steel Justice Pilot Preview: 59 seconds
Does anyone else remember this pilot? Please tell me I'm not the only poor sap who witnessed this get air time. |
isMetaClass User
 Posts: 529 | Re: STEEL JUSTICE on Sunday, July, 11, 2010 3:51 PM
i don't remember that but maybe it's the kind of thing you try to block out 
Legion Of The Disney-raised, proud member |
Sketch Sector Admin
 Posts: 2,939 | Re: STEEL JUSTICE on Monday, July, 12, 2010 10:06 PM
Come on gang... please don't let me be the only one with this curse!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion questions cytotec abortion |
neomanga User
 Posts: 354 | Re: STEEL JUSTICE on Monday, July, 12, 2010 10:17 PM
I have never heard of such a thing like that. o_o
Half of it was cool, half of it... was just lame. A rampaging robot against crime is cool, but... creating that robot with using a dead child of a police officer? That has strange and lame all over it. Don't kill the kid then turn it into a robot, keep the kid alive and let an older kid control the thing!where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill online
isMetaClass User
 Posts: 529 | RE: STEEL JUSTICE on Saturday, October, 16, 2010 2:49 PM
Legion Of The Disney-raised, proud member |
IsoLine User
 Posts: 1,025 | RE: STEEL JUSTICE on Saturday, October, 16, 2010 11:35 PM
I remember that horrible film. I was almost a junior in college at the time when that horrid thing came on NBC. It was being touted as the "Truckasaurus" movie. I know the guy that played the lead went on to do a stint as one of the agents in the the Matrix films.
"Word to the Motherboard!" - IsoLine |
 Posts: 573 | RE: STEEL JUSTICE on Tuesday, May, 30, 2017 7:40 AM
This is the kind of thing that Matt Groeing would lampoon on The Simpsons!
If there was an episode of the Simpsons where a Hollywood Director would ask Homer Simpson to think of an idea for a new movie knowing Homer he'd probably come up with something like this. 