clu.exe User
 Posts: 313 | Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Tuesday, October, 05, 2010 11:44 AM
Traahn posted a beautiful mod of the deluxe identity disc here and i'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who wants to know how he did that.
So, if anyone at all wants to help people like us, just post anything here about modding the deluxe identity disc. I know there's more than one way, and I admit to my lack of knowledge about wirings and LED and all except what they stand for and do. So please anyone put up tips, a few starter steps, or the whole process, feel free. And thank you in advance.  Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
blackfeathers User
 Posts: 17 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Tuesday, October, 05, 2010 12:34 PM
as a point of reference i've taken shots of the internals yesterday:
i haven't modded mine since i don't want to do any experimental soldering until i know what i'm doing.
instructions and explanations of mods are helpful, btw.
there's two capacitors on the circuit board that i find interesting and a separate motion sensor that makes the lights and sounds upon disc impact. there's also open solder points on the circuit board for other potential mods but not sure if the current is enough to sustain a few more leds.
one idea could be adding a switch to change power from button batteries to a usb -meaning you would have to supply your own mini or micro usb socket and probably drop voltage to ~ 4v & current to the toy so that the stay-lit mod would work without worry of burning out. the button batteries would still be useful for portability -hence the power toggle switch. when it's on the display stand, switch back to usb and supply your own power to stay lit. |
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Tuesday, October, 05, 2010 11:29 PM
i think the forum went through a change and that first link isn't working.
clu.exe User
 Posts: 313 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Wednesday, October, 06, 2010 11:25 AM
Falty Wrote:i think the forum went through a change and that first link isn't working. |
Oh you're right i guess it did. Here's the fixed link
or simply, it's the toys thread. again, beautiful mod.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
clu.exe User
 Posts: 313 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Wednesday, October, 06, 2010 11:32 AM
and again i don't know why the site isn't recognizing it as a link. so if you guys don't wanna manually look for it at the toys found thread just copy the url i tried to paste as a link and paste and go it with your browser. It's a file, a video, but a short one, so downloading it and watching is just as quick as being redirected to a youtube page. i'm guessing that's how traahn would put it. the vid's worth the quick wait anyway.
Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
blackfeathers User
 Posts: 17 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Wednesday, October, 06, 2010 12:45 PM
blackfeathers User
 Posts: 17 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Wednesday, October, 06, 2010 5:17 PM
i could be wrong but have a feeling those that have modded theirs are being tight-lipped about how it was done for whatever reason and probably don't want to share.
regardless, i've hopped over to the old rpf forums for a quick look every now and then. to say the least, they have some cool ideas about creating what they want in an identity disc. rick is awesome there btw. |
clu.exe User
 Posts: 313 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Sunday, October, 17, 2010 3:06 AM
please modders post something.... T_T
Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
blackfeathers User
 Posts: 17 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Tuesday, October, 26, 2010 9:53 PM
did it myself and for real with explanation:
order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill |
clu.exe User
 Posts: 313 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Thursday, October, 28, 2010 11:40 PM
thank you! you are a god,erm, user!
Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
reskin User
 Posts: 4 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Monday, January, 17, 2011 11:20 AM
I am working on a couple mods and chronicling the hurdles on my blog. I am also helping to sell these (complete or as kits) let me know what you think.
PS: I love how the style-sheet changes on this site to blue when I log in!
reskin User
 Posts: 4 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Wednesday, January, 19, 2011 5:51 PM
I might be able to cast that in clear polyester... it would be two halves merged with epoxy or E-6000. I haven't done it yet so I don't know for sure but I imagine I could sell it for less than $20. Are you expecting the tabs to remain? I have to remove those tabs from the original toy to accommodate the mods.
Soulinertia User
 Posts: 33 | RE: Mod the Deluxe Identity Disc! on Tuesday, February, 04, 2014 4:32 PM
I'm still selling kits, completed discs, or just the rings sets for those still interested on ebay or direct from my site: