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 Happy endings... or...?

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Posts: 2,394
Happy endings... or...?

on Friday, August, 24, 2012 1:35 PM
Listening to a lot of the soundtrack stuff lately 'cause it's on my iPod (I have my running/workout playlist on there) and am listening while I do lots of cleaning (I'm moving soon, so there's LOTS of cleaning, lol, and packing, and...).

Finale from the OST came on, and as I was listening to it, I was thinking how it fit the end of the film-- bittersweet, but overall sort of hopeful. Yet we've said before here, I think, that while Disney gave the end of T:L a general hopeful and happy ending... the story is really just beginning.

Just wondering how many of you have written (or speculated about, if you're not a writer) what may come after. J, I know you have.

Being an eternal cynic (and, as I've been accused over and over again, negative/pessimistic, or as a friend said the other day, fatalistic), I tend to write not-so-rosy, not-so-rainbow-and-bunnies, endings (I'm not generally the rainbow-and-bunnies sort, except at the weirdest times).

Really, who in this film is set up to end well?

Stuff I have in progress:

--A fic about if Tron were to survive the end of T:L (music story based on May It Be from LOTR soundtrack). How on earth does he make things right, while dealing with his own issues? In this premise, I take the line that the Grid was destroyed... mostly. He was safe in the Sea of Simulation, and he crawls out to find nothing left... or so he thinks. Except there's this unknown colony of Isos living so far out in the Outlands that they were the only thing that escaped the blast... and interestingly enough, they manifested after Clu poisoned the Sea (yes, I make this work). Thing is, they want nothing to do with Basics, for obvious reasons... at least, most of them don't...

--A fic about Sam and Quorra. I put them in a relationship, yes... but it's not easy. They truly care for and love each other... but... let's face it:

--Q's thrown into a world totally unlike anything she's ever known. That's hard enough to deal with. Sam's going through his own changes-- much of who he is and how his life has been was shaped by the fact that he lost his dad. Now he knows a lot of different truths, and that's got to change his worldview. Both are going through HUGE personal life upheavals. Huge enough that personalities may be affected. Ouch.

--Q's totally dependent on Sam-- she doesn't even know how to live in our world. She knows this, and he knows this-- they're stuck with each other, like it or not. No pressure, guys.

--Sam's just plain an antisocial guy. Regardless of what happened to his dad, I could see him having a certain amount of standoffishness and independence just because of who he is. Now he's got a new roommate. Also, he's so used to pushing people away and locking them out, that he simply doesn't know how to let her in, even when he wants to. Same for Q-- she's used to living in the middle of nowhere with one other person, for thousands of years. Now she has to be social with someone else. (she may have the advantage here: we know the Flynns have similarities, so she may be able to apply some of what she knows about living with Flynn to living with his son. Still, the differences are probably jarring.)

--Dealing with attraction. To someone you don't know. Who is messed up. Who lives with you.

--it's damn hard to live with another person even when you know you get along. Worse when you don't even really know them. Worse still when you're thrown together, not by choice. Think "college roommates on steroids."

--both are grieving the loss of Flynn. And it feels funny to both-- Sam's a little bitter because he's missed all this time with his dad, all his life-- but Q's been there. She feels funny because she's spent a thousand cycles with Flynn-- but blood's thicker than water and Sam's important to him based solely on who he is. There's one argument they have where she's like "Sam, your dad would say to do X and Y" and Sam finally gets fed up and yells at her, "Don't tell me what he would do! He was MY dad!" Yup.

This one is based off GnR's November Rain. They love each other, but can they make it work? Love isn't always enough...

Strangely enough, Alan may be the one to come out of this with the most closure and the least baggage, if Sam tells him everything: he's vindicated in still carrying a torch for his friend, he now knows what happened, and Encom's going to get fixed. On the other hand: Tron's left damaged and stuck rebuilding a world when he hasn't a clue how; Q's entire life is thrown so upside-down it's not even funny; and Sam's almost left with more questions than answers, not to mention a huge change to his worldview, and almost everything he's thought about himself and his life has new answers...

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 134
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Friday, August, 24, 2012 5:09 PM
Poor Quorra. I don't think she's gonna last long in the real world.

Picture this:


*Sam comes home from spending the day at Encom working with Alan on the restructuring of the company, only to be practically pounced by Quorra the moment he walks in the door*

"Sam, I'm so glad you're back, something strange and maybe awful happened!"

*he blinks, raises an eyebrow, and notices with a soft groan that she is wet from the waist down, and dreads what he's going to see as she drags him by the arm into the living room. Sure enough, there's a huge wet spot on the couch and a puddle on the floor*

"I was reading, and I noticed this strange almost tingly sensation in my lower abdomen, and it kept getting stronger until suddenly there was this big release of warm clear liquid! It felt strange, but not painful, and then I went back to feeling normal after. Am I ok? Is there something wrong in my code? Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and... you're mad at me?"

*Sam just sighs* No... I just... should have thought of that... ok, take that off and get in the shower, I'll find you something else to wear while that's in the wash. And I'll umm order a new futon." *a short pause* "And a mop."

*Quorra looks confused* "Take what off of what?"

*Sam blinks and frowns* "Your clothes, you can't just keep wearing that like that. Go in the bathroom, take them off and take a shower. I'll find you something to wear when you come out."

*she still looks clueless, looking down at herself and starting to fumble around at her outfit* "This comes off? Where are the controls for that? And what's a shower?"

*Sam just groans* "Ok, plan B. We're going back." *he frowns* "Before something even worse happens."

*Quorra gasps in worry* "It gets worse?"

*Sam sighs* "Oh you have -no- idea. Come on, we're going back. I'll write you a tutorial script while you're in there. And umm grab a towel, would you? You're dripping on the floor."

*he then cuts off her query as to what a towel is, grabbing one himself and wrapping it around her lower half before leading her downstairs and through the arcade into the basement and to the laser*
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Posts: 2,394
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Friday, August, 24, 2012 5:40 PM
Yes, well, I was conveniently ignoring the fact that I don't think a program could cut it in the real world (or that pretty much shuts down any further storyline cold). I believe I've said before: the stuff we know about life in our world is stuff we've taken a lifetime to absorb (and we still don't know everything). Now imagine having to learn that stuff all at once, in a matter of weeks or days. It's the worst culture shock imaginable, times a billion. What are those weird scripts running up and down trees with nuts in their mouths? What do you mean I have to immerse myself in water or I start to smell bad? I have to do WHAT to my teeth every morning and night or they'll do WHAT? What's this lightrunner behind me with the flashing lights and awful noise and why can't I just de-rez it? Why do I feel sluggish-- you mean I have to shut down for a third of the time, all the time? Ow, my eyes, what's the bright thing in the sky? What the hell is "money"? Etc.

Not to mention that even human beings don't deal well with the failings of their bodies or their own mortality-- and we've had a lifetime to get used to the idea. Imagine being a program who never ages, never gets sick (and if you do, your user fixes it)... and then one day you look in the mirror and your hair is going gray and middle-age spread is setting in and your knees are sore. I cannot imagine. Or hell, a common cold.

But taking the assumption that a program/Iso could make it here... then we get on to other storylines.

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 2:20 AM
Call me sappy, but despite all the crap they're in for, I'm really jonesing for a good ending for Sam and Quorra. The bittersweet ending in T:L hit the right note for me, and I can only hope for that for the ending of the series.

Don't misunderstand; I *want* them to face terrible hardships. I want them to fight, struggle and cry (probably won't happen too much in a Disney film), but I want a good outcome for them.

May I offer something not yet mentioned in this forum (gasp!)? We've seen how quickly users adapt to being on the Grid/digital realm. Perhaps Quorra can adapt in unexpected ways?where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online


Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 2:25 AM
DarthMeow504 Wrote:Poor Quorra. I don't think she's gonna last long in the real world.

Picture this:


*Sam comes home from spending the day at Encom working with Alan on the restructuring of the company, only to be practically pounced by Quorra the moment he walks in the door*

"Sam, I'm so glad you're back, something strange and maybe awful happened!"

*he blinks, raises an eyebrow, and notices with a soft groan that she is wet from the waist down, and dreads what he's going to see as she drags him by the arm into the living room. Sure enough, there's a huge wet spot on the couch and a puddle on the floor*

"I was reading, and I noticed this strange almost tingly sensation in my lower abdomen, and it kept getting stronger until suddenly there was this big release of warm clear liquid! It felt strange, but not painful, and then I went back to feeling normal after. Am I ok? Is there something wrong in my code? Nothing like this has ever happened to me before, and... you're mad at me?"

*Sam just sighs* No... I just... should have thought of that... ok, take that off and get in the shower, I'll find you something else to wear while that's in the wash. And I'll umm order a new futon." *a short pause* "And a mop."

*Quorra looks confused* "Take what off of what?"

*Sam blinks and frowns* "Your clothes, you can't just keep wearing that like that. Go in the bathroom, take them off and take a shower. I'll find you something to wear when you come out."

*she still looks clueless, looking down at herself and starting to fumble around at her outfit* "This comes off? Where are the controls for that? And what's a shower?"

*Sam just groans* "Ok, plan B. We're going back." *he frowns* "Before something even worse happens."

*Quorra gasps in worry* "It gets worse?"

*Sam sighs* "Oh you have -no- idea. Come on, we're going back. I'll write you a tutorial script while you're in there. And umm grab a towel, would you? You're dripping on the floor."

*he then cuts off her query as to what a towel is, grabbing one himself and wrapping it around her lower half before leading her downstairs and through the arcade into the basement and to the laser*

Considering how long she's been living with Flynn, and how much his house resembled a real house, I don't think she'll have trouble that much trouble operating the simple stuff. :/order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 134
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 8:32 AM
Kaisergrendel Wrote:Considering how long she's been living with Flynn, and how much his house resembled a real house, I don't think she'll have trouble that much trouble operating the simple stuff. :/

What difference does that make? It's not like they had an intimate relationship, so she probably has never seen a naked human nor knows what reproductive and excretory organs look like or what their functions are. It's not like he would have done his business in front of her. All she would know is he would occasionally excuse himself to his chambers and come back a short time later. The classic literature she was exposed to almost certainly had no explicit descriptions of sexual activity or basic biological functions such as excretion or hygiene. Unless there were biology and anatomical texts in that library, she would simply have no way of having the first clue.

to Kat:

I did mention him "writing a tutorial script" for her so I don't think he'd be simply giving up on her. On the other hand, putting her back in the digital world and letting her learn all the assorted messy details of biological existence from a helpfile fits his style of problem avoidance. When she's learned what she's getting into and has been brought up to speed on what she needs to know, she could come back. It would avoid lots of mess and awkwardness, and keep him from having to deal with it. Who in the hell wants to potty train a grown adult? Some people have the patience and dedication to do that sort of thing, and a great many of them find their way into the medical and caretaking fields. Sam Flynn is NOT one of those sorts of people. He'll send her back to the Grid until she's housebroken.


Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 8:48 AM
DarthMeow504 Wrote:
Kaisergrendel Wrote:Considering how long she's been living with Flynn, and how much his house resembled a real house, I don't think she'll have trouble that much trouble operating the simple stuff. :/

What difference does that make?

Conjecture makes the difference. Isn't it the primary fuel of our musings?

A thousand cycles together, many opportunities to discuss the nuances of a User's life. Of course I can't argue with you if you'd rather think all Flynn said to Quorra was "Quorra, the world of Users is so vast and intricate that you'll never be able to fully understand it with your tiny silicon brain," but I just think it's unlikely she's going into the real world empty handed. The books aren't the only source of Quorra's knowledge.


Posts: 2,394
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 12:23 PM
Oh, don't worry, Kaiser: it ends happy. Or as happily as relationships can, considering that in the best of circumstances they're still never easy. I'm not 100% sure they end up deciding to remain in a romantic relationship, but I'm about 98% sure.

(I have another one I'm working on too, based on Journey's Separate Ways and Daft Punk's Something About Us, in which Q, after she's gotten pretty used to our world, she's like "look, Sam, I can't spend my whole life depending on you; I need to go out and do my own thing" and she does and they're sad but he understand she needs to know she can make her own way. I'm pretty sure she does end up coming back, though-- at least 60-70% sure. But that's another possibility.)

I do imagine that she's learned from Flynn all about how it works. But still, there are probably things he has thought to tell her-- whether he just forgot (imagine trying to explain to someone how to do something that comes naturally to you... you get into it, and then they interrupt to ask you the most basic question. Oh yeah! A n00b *wouldn't* know that!), or it didn't occur to him because it's not in his experience (no longer being young, not being female, not living in the current day and age, whatever). And some stuff... all the explanation in the world can't fully prepare you for.

And, too-- we don't know that he ever planned on her actually GOING to the real world. He may make that decision in the very end of T:L, to protect her (after all, what's he going to say-- "oh hey, Sam and I are leaving and going to where it's safe and we're leaving you here, see ya!"), but in all those cycles of them living together, he may have only told her about our world to amuse her, but not with the intent of her ever having to navigate it, which means there's a lot he may not have talked to her about. You can tell someone about playing piano just because you do it and you want to tell them about it, but it's going to be different if you're telling them about it in anticipation of THEM actually learning to play.

Users can adapt to the digital environment because it's not THAT different. Mostly, I imagine you'd be getting used to the *lack* of many things you were used to in our world-- sun, animals, beaches, traffic cops, bathrooms, IHOP, the need to brush your teeth, changing your clothing, etc. There's not that much there that we don't have out here (maybe gridbugs, user powers, getting used to programs' functions), or that isn't similar to what we have (lightcycles = motorcycles, etc.).

A bad analogy, but it might be like the difference between a person from a first-world country going to a third-world country, and vice versa. You join the Peace Corps and go to a poor, rural part of Africa, and you can get used to a lack of toilets, walking for your water, etc. It's not easy, but you can do it. Imagine if you brought someone back with you to our country, someone who'd never been outside their own village-- they'd be amazed and would have a lot to learn. What's a shower? A stove? A space heater? A casino? Etc. That's a bit more difficult because these are all new things you need to learn about.

Another problem is that some here think one difference between programs and users is that users ARE more adaptable, fluid, able to think outside the box. So if you subscribe to that way of thinking (I don't, necessarily), that could be another reason Q might have more difficulties coming to our world than a user who goes to hers.

Darth-- I could see Sam having a lot more patience with Q than his dad would. Sam seems to meet problems head-on; it's Flynn (as evidenced by T:B and T:L) who seems to be the one who wants to do the fun stuff and take none of the responsibility. Sam goes after Encom (albeit in a roundabout way, but he wants to scorn the place, not be responsible for it, and I don't blame him). Flynn readily took on the responsibility of running the company but did a half-assed job of it and other people had to cover for him. Sam gets to the Grid and is ready to do what he has to, to get them the hell out of there. Flynn would rather sit around and wait for someone else to solve the problem for him. Etc.

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 10:20 PM
Kat Wrote:Oh, don't worry, Kaiser: it ends happy. Or as happily as relationships can, considering that in the best of circumstances they're still never easy. I'm not 100% sure they end up deciding to remain in a romantic relationship, but I'm about 98% sure.

(I have another one I'm working on too, based on Journey's Separate Ways and Daft Punk's Something About Us, in which Q, after she's gotten pretty used to our world, she's like "look, Sam, I can't spend my whole life depending on you; I need to go out and do my own thing" and she does and they're sad but he understand she needs to know she can make her own way. I'm pretty sure she does end up coming back, though-- at least 60-70% sure. But that's another possibility.)

I do imagine that she's learned from Flynn all about how it works. But still, there are probably things he has thought to tell her-- whether he just forgot (imagine trying to explain to someone how to do something that comes naturally to you... you get into it, and then they interrupt to ask you the most basic question. Oh yeah! A n00b *wouldn't* know that!), or it didn't occur to him because it's not in his experience (no longer being young, not being female, not living in the current day and age, whatever). And some stuff... all the explanation in the world can't fully prepare you for.

And, too-- we don't know that he ever planned on her actually GOING to the real world. He may make that decision in the very end of T:L, to protect her (after all, what's he going to say-- "oh hey, Sam and I are leaving and going to where it's safe and we're leaving you here, see ya!"), but in all those cycles of them living together, he may have only told her about our world to amuse her, but not with the intent of her ever having to navigate it, which means there's a lot he may not have talked to her about. You can tell someone about playing piano just because you do it and you want to tell them about it, but it's going to be different if you're telling them about it in anticipation of THEM actually learning to play.

Users can adapt to the digital environment because it's not THAT different. Mostly, I imagine you'd be getting used to the *lack* of many things you were used to in our world-- sun, animals, beaches, traffic cops, bathrooms, IHOP, the need to brush your teeth, changing your clothing, etc. There's not that much there that we don't have out here (maybe gridbugs, user powers, getting used to programs' functions), or that isn't similar to what we have (lightcycles = motorcycles, etc.).

A bad analogy, but it might be like the difference between a person from a first-world country going to a third-world country, and vice versa. You join the Peace Corps and go to a poor, rural part of Africa, and you can get used to a lack of toilets, walking for your water, etc. It's not easy, but you can do it. Imagine if you brought someone back with you to our country, someone who'd never been outside their own village-- they'd be amazed and would have a lot to learn. What's a shower? A stove? A space heater? A casino? Etc. That's a bit more difficult because these are all new things you need to learn about.

Another problem is that some here think one difference between programs and users is that users ARE more adaptable, fluid, able to think outside the box. So if you subscribe to that way of thinking (I don't, necessarily), that could be another reason Q might have more difficulties coming to our world than a user who goes to hers.

Hoooly crap. I used to write posts as long as these two years ago but I'm running on fumes. I'll just say that there's nothing disagreeable with your opinion, but mine is equally plausible in terms of where the story can go.

I never thought Q would slide effortlessly into mainstream society or run for senator in a year, I'm just saying she wouldn't be a complete ignoramus. Sure, she'll have those "How's he like?" moments, but I would keep my mind open about her ability to interpret the world in new but relevant ways too.

More quick points:

1. The idea of changing clothes probably won't be alien to her or inhabitants to the Grid. I.E. changing gear for disc wars, lightcycle games. CLU changes quite a few times in the movie. Flynn does once too, and I bet he did more than a few times in the course of 1000 cycles.

2. As questionable as the roast pig dinner was, this is enough evidence for me that Flynn might have preferred things to be done a little old-fashioned in the hideout. Q should have picked up some of his habits already. She even has a dresser/vanity table!

3. Fruit bowl on the table:

Q: What are 'fruit?'
Flynn: Well, (queue long stream-of-consciousness conversation about eating, flavors, agriculture, industrial revolution, bla bla and so forth)

4. Judging by how fast Quorra extrapolates and reinterprets the concept of what a "rescue" is, I think she'll be a fast learner.

5. Bla bla, bla bla. Fumes.

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Posts: 134
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 10:53 PM
Kaisergrendel Wrote:
I never thought Q would slide effortlessly into mainstream society or run for senator in a year, I'm just saying she wouldn't be a complete ignoramus. Sure, she'll have those "How's he like?" moments, but I would keep my mind open about her ability to interpret the world in new but relevant ways too.

More quick points:

1. The idea of changing clothes probably won't be alien to her or inhabitants to the Grid. I.E. changing gear for disc wars, lightcycle games. CLU changes quite a few times in the movie. Flynn does once too, and I bet he did more than a few times in the course of 1000 cycles.

2. As questionable as the roast pig dinner was, this is enough evidence for me that Flynn might have preferred things to be done a little old-fashioned in the hideout. Q should have picked up some of his habits already. She even has a dresser/vanity table!

3. Fruit bowl on the table:

Q: What are 'fruit?'
Flynn: Well, (queue long stream-of-consciousness conversation about eating, flavors, agriculture, industrial revolution, bla bla and so forth)

You seem to be missing the point. Quorra is not a human woman, she's a digital AI construct. She's never had biological functions. She's never used the bathroom, never had a menstrual cycle, never even sweat. She has no real way of knowing these things even exist. They wouldn't have been mentioned in the classical literature she's read, and there's no reason to think Kevin would have broached such embarrassingly intimate topics with her as it simply wasn't need to know information. There was never a plan to bring her out, so an anatomy and biology lesson weren't necessary. Really, would you want to explain bathroom functions to an adult if you didn't have to? Can you say awkward? He'd have taken care of his business in private and she would never need know the details.

Food and drink in the Grid isn't actual food and drink. It's energy, given a virtual form for the pleasure and comfort of the Users aka Flynn. No program eats in the first TRON, and we only see other programs in Legacy drink --as they did in the original film. It's energy, system resources that they use in their program functions. It doesn't get digested and excreted like real food, because it's not.

Similarly, clothing in the Grid isn't clothing in the conventional sense, as in a physical layer of substance you take on and off. Their outfits are more like program skins like you'd put on a program window, they're appearance settings. They never come off or are put on, they're selected. Switching outfits is like changing wallpaper settings on your desktop, you select the new image file and set it to display.

Fast learner or not, these things are fundamental differences in how the world works, and she is simply not prepared for any of it.
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Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, August, 26, 2012 11:21 PM
I haven't missed your point, Meow, I'm arguing against it. Honestly I think you're being a little strict on the rules you've made up for yourself, that's all.


Posts: 1,945
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Monday, August, 27, 2012 9:05 PM

Well I can't wait to read some of your fan fic! I'm sure it will be good...

also about the rainbows and bunnies...

then maybe you write endings like the original Doom PC game....

you thought you won.. and everything was happy with grass and bunnies...
until you saw the bloody head of a bunny on the end of a sharp stick....

if that what you mean by not writing it so rosy and rainbows and bunnies ?where to buy abortion pill abortion types buy abortion pill onlineabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion

"I want him in the games until he dies playing" -MCP
The Grid a Physical Frontier funny Tron Video

Posts: 134
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 5:05 AM
Kaisergrendel Wrote:I haven't missed your point, Meow, I'm arguing against it. Honestly I think you're being a little strict on the rules you've made up for yourself, that's all.

Where do you suggest she gained this information, then? She doesn't have biological functions. Do you think Flynn explained them to her? Maybe demonstrated? I think not. People do their business in private and tend not to talk about such awkward topics if they can avoid it. There is no reason to think she has the first clue about human anatomy or biological functioning.


Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 7:09 AM
DarthMeow504 Wrote:
Kaisergrendel Wrote:I haven't missed your point, Meow, I'm arguing against it. Honestly I think you're being a little strict on the rules you've made up for yourself, that's all.

Where do you suggest she gained this information, then? She doesn't have biological functions. Do you think Flynn explained them to her? Maybe demonstrated? I think not. People do their business in private and tend not to talk about such awkward topics if they can avoid it. There is no reason to think she has the first clue about human anatomy or biological functioning.

I talk in terms of likelihoods, you talk in absolutes. Again, I think you've made up rules that can't be rationally gleaned from a two hour movie. Put simply, you see certainty where there is little to be found.


Posts: 2,394
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 4:23 PM
Of course she's going to have questions, though. A LOT of questions. I mean, one of her favorite books is The Mysterious Island. She's going to wonder about weather, what food is and what they do with it and why it needs to be cooked, their strange ways of procuring clothing and shelter, what the various animals and plants are, etc. Some of that will, yes, deal with biological functions. He may not set out to explain defecation to her, but eventually if they talk about eating it may come up. She'll wonder where babies come from, and it's not like he can tell her the stork brings them or she'll need to know what a stork is. Etc. So I don't think she'd be entirely without knowledge... but she still wouldn't have PRACTICAL knowledge, or other small things she didn't pick up from books that he wouldn't think to tell her because he doesn't think about it himself, as it's such a trivial part of human life.

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 298
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 5:48 PM
Kat Wrote:Of course she's going to have questions, though. A LOT of questions. I mean, one of her favorite books is The Mysterious Island. She's going to wonder about weather, what food is and what they do with it and why it needs to be cooked, their strange ways of procuring clothing and shelter, what the various animals and plants are, etc. Some of that will, yes, deal with biological functions. He may not set out to explain defecation to her, but eventually if they talk about eating it may come up. She'll wonder where babies come from, and it's not like he can tell her the stork brings them or she'll need to know what a stork is. Etc. So I don't think she'd be entirely without knowledge... but she still wouldn't have PRACTICAL knowledge, or other small things she didn't pick up from books that he wouldn't think to tell her because he doesn't think about it himself, as it's such a trivial part of human life.



Posts: 5
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 7:10 PM
Kat wrote "A fic about if Tron were to survive the end of T:L"

Your assuming Tron didn't survive? I refuse to accept that he ends there!

Yes I'm old. Old enough to remember when the MCP was just a chess program!

Posts: 2,394
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 10:24 PM
Mechazilla Wrote:Kat wrote "A fic about if Tron were to survive the end of T:L"

Your assuming Tron didn't survive? I refuse to accept that he ends there!

Yes. In part because I assume the entire Grid is destroyed. I find it hard to accept sometimes that he may have survived. That would be one VERY screwed-up program. Way more screwed-up than I even want to think about or would want to deal with as a writer if I were doing it realistically. He's probably better off dead, TBH with you.

I still want my Tron around too, but they did some pretty bad shit to the poor dude.

However, you'll find in most of my writing (some of which is here), he's still alive anyway.

What do you want? I'm busy.

Program, please!

Chaos.... good news.

Posts: 67
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Sunday, September, 09, 2012 11:31 PM
I still think that the grid was not destroyed but was uploaded to Sam's zip drive. I mentioned this in another thread and realized I made a mistake....watched the movie again. The Flynn / Clu reintegration sparks an explosion that turns into an implosion w/ a shining ball or dot of light....that light then fades into the blue power light on the server (not the light on the zip drive as I previously wrote). The camera pans up to Sam who is uploading it all to a zip drive. So, I think the grid and it's inhabitants in some form are still around.

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Posts: 248
RE: Happy endings... or...?

on Monday, September, 10, 2012 12:03 AM
OK, here's canon:

1) Sam took over his dad's company. Thing is, he's had ZERO involvement in it aside from trolling it once a year. He also dropped out of college and has no real-world job experience on top of being a guy in his 20's with his old man's capacity for forethought. How in the hell will he manage that much responsibility?

2) Judging from the boardroom scene, Mackey and crew are good with running numbers, but complete garbage with anything else. They'll gladly take a golden parachute and run off to the Caymans, but Sam and Alan are going to be mucking out the Augean Stables in terms of cleaning up at least 15 years of mismanagement.

3) Judging from the sequel hook? Either there's a new Master Control posing as Dillinger Sr. or (worse) Dillinger pulled something like Ma3a, and whatever was talking to Junior is a combination of Dillinger's mind and a new Master Control.

4) At best, Dillinger Jr. is an unwitting pawn of his dad/the AI posing as his dad. At worst, the Dillingers are gunning for world domination (along the lines of F-Con), and/or revenge.

5) Quorra has no ID, no real-world skills,has spent most of her life as a refugee or fugitive, is completely dependent on Sam, painfully naive, and could be a VERY valuable pawn to all the wrong people.

6) While I wouldn't blame Sam a kriffing bit if he ripped out the hard drive, tossed it in a degausser, ran over it with the Ducati a few times, and tossed the remains off the Warren Desmond Bridge, he didn't. He instead copies what was left on an SD card he had in his Nokia. Um...if that thing had a bar of signal (implausible for an iPhone or Blackberry, but surprisingly plausible for a Nokia) , then whatever was left of the Grid had outbound access for a few seconds.

7) Roy gambled on Flynn and lost his shirt, including money and reputation. Sure, he's getting a second chance due to Alan, but he isn't that far from retirement age. He's also been sitting on a ton of blackmail material. But all that work, faith, and hope? Mostly for nothing.

8) The worst case says the Grid is completely destroyed. In the BEST case, it's still going to be a mess. No User, no Administrator. Probably a few of Clu's surviving lackeys jockying for power (Tessler, if he survives? GREAT candidate). The reintegration probably did craploads of damage, and Clu was busy killing off half of the population during his reign of terror.

9) Tronzler....He hit every fate WORSE than de-rez. If he comes out of his involuntary dunk, then he'll have to face all the horrifying things he did on Clu's watch. This, along with a Grid that might not have any problems stringing him up for de-rezzing their friends and loved ones. This also assumes he doesn't have some glitchy-as-hell programming from 20 years of butchery done to his code.

10) There are plenty of other characters we do not know the fates of - Beck, Yori, Paige. But if Tron's any example, their fates probably won't be happy.

11) Alan is the kind of guy who could do a very wrong thing for all the right reasons. If he discovers what Flynn was up to, and realizes that it was the Programs who turned on him and endangered humanity in the Master Control era, his grief and anger might cause him to create something that will severely harm the Programs in order to protect humanity from another Master Control or Clu. I've got this nagging feeling that the User is no more immune to corruption than his software...

It's an entire universe in there, one we created, but it's beyond us now. Really. It's outgrown us. You know, every time you shut off your you know what you're doing? Have you ever reformatted a hard drive? Deleted old software? Destroyed an entire universe?"

-- Jet Bradley, Tron: Ghost in the Machine on why being a User isn't necessarily a good thing.
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 Happy endings... or...?