clu.exe User
Posts: 313 | Deluxe Identity Disc Cracking on Friday, December, 05, 2014 6:12 AM
After some years in storage, i looked at my Kevin Flynn Disc again, and i thought hey itd probably still be okay. It was opened but returned properly in packaging. Now i see there are 2 cracks on the edge in contact with the rubber blade(dont know where the hell those came from) only i have access to the discs in my house and the sam and rinzler ones are perfectly fine. i also noticed a great rate of discoloration on my flynn disc on its white plastic. so i wanna ask is it just me, or this white one is made of less-quality material than the black discs? and can anyone say anything about this self-cracking or did anyone get that when they got their disc?
Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
renderinfo2 User
Posts: 116 | RE: Deluxe Identity Disc Cracking on Friday, December, 05, 2014 5:33 PM
I have had all 3 discs open and on display in a glass case for the past 3+ years. I haven't inspected them in quite a while, but I thought they've always been "mint". If I notice any discoloration or cracks in any of the 3, I'll post it here. I have a few still packaged and in storage. I won't bother checking those since they are unopened, and whatever happens, happens. But I am curious now if the white one is showing any discoloration, or the rinzler/sam discs have any cracks or stress marks. I guess I wouldn't be surprised, they've been on the same stands without being moved for quite some time.
Again, if I notice anything, I'll post it here...
clu.exe User
Posts: 313 | RE: Deluxe Identity Disc Cracking on Saturday, December, 06, 2014 6:09 AM
ya thanks. i guess this post is more like an awareness thing.. and even MOC ones are at risk because of the try me hole(regarding discoloration) and im also thinking maybe it's cracking by itself because of the pressure on its screws that it cannot take over the years and starting to crack... only way i can think of its spontaneous cracking
Singing: All I want for christmas is a Tron Legacy Identity Disc Replica... |
Kal-El User
Posts: 163 | RE: Deluxe Identity Disc Cracking on Sunday, December, 28, 2014 8:51 PM
All of mine seem to be ok still. They are in room temp and out of the sun light. I'm not sure if that helps the disc's.