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 TRON 1.5 Fan Trailer

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Posts: 3
TRON 1.5 Fan Trailer

on Saturday, May, 07, 2016 4:45 PM
Anybody else remember TRON 1.5 Rise of the Virals? Even though they didn't make the film somebody released the soundtrack and its actually pretty awesome. The names of the tracks give some clue into what the plot would have been. Anyway, I've always been fascinated by this movie that never was. Tell me what you guys think of my fan made trailer for TRON 1.5. Watch the video here!: TRON 1.5 Trailer #2
That was actually my second version, this is my first attempt, but its not near as good in my opinion. 
TRON 1.5 Trailer #1


Posts: 2
RE: TRON 1.5 Fan Trailer

on Wednesday, October, 05, 2016 2:58 AM
Good trailer...Which soundtrack is that can you name it?

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 Film Production 
 TRON 1.5 Fan Trailer