GWPGearWorx User
 Posts: 38 | Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Tuesday, November, 21, 2006 1:55 AM
Hello all;
This really shocked me, I was looking through some of my old DVD's from 2003, and I stumbled upon the OLD and unreleased teaser trailer for Tron: Hidden Partition. Now this is nothing special by any means, it is just a simple un-flashy teaser, but I thought what the hell, I might as well release it so you guys can see it.
Click To View Teaser - Quicktime 6+ - Size: 3.5 MB
As I mentioned in the other post, I still have the script, and I am still planning on using it in one form or another. As it stands right now, it is on my list of TO DO projects. However it looks like 2007 might the time to dust off the script  Time will tell.
Take care.abortion pills online cytotec abortion Gear Worx Productions: |
NoExcuses User
 Posts: 1,760 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Traile on Tuesday, November, 21, 2006 12:00 PM
Wow, that's really cool - it would be totally awesome if something came of this project!
Great effects, too. I loved the Gear Worx Productions logo!
GWPGearWorx User
 Posts: 38 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Traile on Wednesday, November, 22, 2006 12:22 AM
As mentioned above, it is still far from a dead plan, it is just on hold, until I find the time to do it  and so far 2007 is looking very promising  .
Take care. Gear Worx Productions: |
TheReelTodd Sector Admin
 Posts: 0 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Wednesday, November, 22, 2006 7:16 PM
Love the animated logo intro - very slick!  on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online
Traahn User
 Posts: 3,301 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Wednesday, September, 05, 2007 11:20 PM
My user requires updated data on this GearWorx  project.
I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited.  -----^ |
GWPGearWorx User
 Posts: 38 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Traile on Thursday, September, 20, 2007 3:37 AM
Hello all;
I have been super busy with love, life & my company. That this film has slipped through the cracks. I was just surfing around and decided to stop here to see what my fellow programs were doing. To my shock there was a post on this REALLY old topic of mine. People are still wanting to see this film rez..... Well the script has not been de-rezzed so it is still on my list of projects.
So do not fret, as I still really want to do this. So have no fear it will someday see the light of day, I have a really solid script and would love to get it out there for you all to watch. As of TODAY, I have added it to my current projects. So when I update my game dev project manager, this project will be there, staring at me, reminding me that you guys are waiting for this film to be made.
Sorry I have not been around here more keeping you all up to date or lack there of.
Take care.
Gear Worx Productions: |
DaveTRON User
 Posts: 5,314 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Thursday, September, 20, 2007 2:45 PM
I was just digging through your section of my TRON Archives last night and watched the teaser trailer. I really do hope you get this off the ground!
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 Posts: 0 | Re: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Monday, May, 03, 2010 9:44 PM
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doctorclu User
 Posts: 206 | RE: Tron: Hidden Partition - Missing Teaser Trailer on Monday, December, 27, 2010 7:37 AM
Would love to see it too. Does the revelations in Legacy chance how the movie would go?abortion pills online cytotec abortion