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TRON Screening This Sunday

on Thursday, June, 14, 2007 2:54 PM
This coming Sunday, TRON is screening on the big 70mm screen at the Aero Theatre in Santa Monica, CA. To make it better, it's a double feature with Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Steven Lisberger, Richard Taylor, Harrison Ellenshaw, Syd Mead, Bruce Boxleitner and Dan Shor are scheduled to appear.

We want a good crowd folks, so bring Dad down for Father's Day and enjoy two classic geek films together!

Here's a link to the site. Hope I see some of you there.

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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Thursday, June, 14, 2007 3:11 PM

I won't be able to attend but it sure sounds freakin' sweet.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill online


Posts: 5,314
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 12:19 PM
The TRON screening at the Aero yesterday was awesome.

Great panel with Steven Lisberger, Richard Taylor, Harrison Ellenshaw, Bill Kroyer, Syd Mead, Bruce Boxleitner and Dan Shor.

I even got a thank you and round of applause from the team that put the event together. That was very cool! I think I blushed.

Afterwards, Steven held a small party at his home and we all gathered there. I met Art Durinski and John Scheele from the film.

I got 4 new autographs in my Art of TRON book. Dan Shor, Raulette Woods, Art and John.

I took a lot of pictures that I need to sort out, but I'll have them posted on TRON Archives in the next 48 hours. Check in when you can.order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill


Sector Admin

Posts: 413
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 4:03 PM
Dave, your so lucky! One day, I'll get to come to one of these things with you.

Let me see some photos

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982

Posts: 0
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 4:14 PM

Very cool Dave! Sounds like it was more fun than one person should be able to handle. Wish I had been there, but will live vicariously through your pictures.abortion pills online cytotec abortion


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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 4:22 PM
I took a lot of pictures that I need to sort out, but I'll have them posted on TRON Archives in the next 48 hours.

That will be super cool.

I feel like a sucker because the theater's info said cameras aren't allowed. Then the panel discussion starts and everyone in the audience takes out cameras and small digital movie cameras. Afterwards I watch them taking photos of themselves with the Tron cast and crew. I was so completely pizzed off.

Your pics will right a wrong, Dave. Looking forward to seeing them.

Sector Admin

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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 6:51 PM
johntron1 Wrote:
I took a lot of pictures that I need to sort out, but I'll have them posted on TRON Archives in the next 48 hours.

That will be super cool.

I feel like a sucker because the theater's info said cameras aren't allowed. Then the panel discussion starts and everyone in the audience takes out cameras and small digital movie cameras. Afterwards I watch them taking photos of themselves with the Tron cast and crew. I was so completely pizzed off.

Your pics will right a wrong, Dave. Looking forward to seeing them.

Greetings, johntron1 and welcome to TRON-Sector!

It's too bad that you followed the rules and didn't take any means in which to capture images. I'm sure DaveTRON got some great photos.

Many of us would have loved to be there in person like you had the opportunity to be. Even without any photos, you enjoyed an experience that most of us are not able to. I'm sure your memory files of it will be cherished for a long time.

A couple of threads you may want to hit are:

What's with your name?


Don't forget to PING in every time you have yourself Another dose of TRON

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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Monday, June, 18, 2007 9:18 PM
Greetings, johntron1 and welcome to TRON-Sector!
Thanks for the welcome!

I'm sure DaveTRON got some great photos.
Yes definitely. My understanding is that Dave is a pro photographer, so that's great news for the audience members who followed the rules and didn't bring cameras, and much more great for those who, as you said, weren't able to attend the event.

I'm sure your memory files of it will be cherished for a long time.
LOL yes!
I noticed the panel discussion was taped by someone who looked official, it's possible that the session might be made public or sold, which would be good for Tron fans who couldn't attend.

What's with your name?
Another dose of TRON
I'll post to the threads next, thanks for the info.

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Posts: 5,314
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 1:52 AM
My understanding is that Dave is a pro photographer, so that's great news for the audience members who followed the rules and didn't bring cameras, and much more great for those who, as you said, weren't able to attend the event.

I prefer the term, Constantly Improving Photographer. Dan SHor might come see me for some headshots this week though, that would be cool.

I was actually given permission to bring my camera by Mark Altman who was one of the organizers, so my pics are street legal and I have the email to back it up.

I am uploading them right now, so check in, in about 2 hours to see what I got over at my TRON Archives site.

Wish you'd come over and said hello. I love to meet fellow TRON fans.



Posts: 5,314
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 1:53 AM
tronprogram Wroteave, your so lucky! One day, I'll get to come to one of these things with you.

Let me see some photos

I believe the term you were actually thinking is "lucky bastard!"

Look for an email tomorrow on several topics, and yes, I got you the program.



Posts: 0
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 3:32 PM
I prefer the term, Constantly Improving Photographer.

Which is something only pro photographers say

Dan SHor might come see me for some headshots this week though, that would be cool.

That'd be too cool!

I am uploading them right now, so check in, in about 2 hours to see what I got over at my TRON Archives site.

AWESOME PICS, DAVE! Thank you for posting them!
Your pics are great, more so considering the light was dim in the theater and you couldn't use flash.
Great work!!!

Wish you'd come over and said hello. I love to meet fellow TRON fans.

I wanted to, but I didn't know which person was you
I tried to go by your Avatar, but narrowed it down to three people.
Hopefully they'll do a 30th Anniversary Tron showing, I'll definitely say Hi.

But I didn't meet the guests either. By the time I got up enough confidence to meet them, they scattered

Steven Lisberger passed right next to me as I was waiting in line to enter the theater. I wanted to thank him for his work, but I froze up. I'm a geek, what can I say

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Sector Admin

Posts: 413
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 4:03 PM
Yep, thats the term I was looking for

Thanks for getting me the program. I'll look forward to the email tomorrow.

DaveTRON Wrote:
tronprogram Wroteave, your so lucky! One day, I'll get to come to one of these things with you.

Let me see some photos

I believe the term you were actually thinking is "lucky bastard!"

Look for an email tomorrow on several topics, and yes, I got you the program.

"Like the man said, there's no problems, only solutions"-Kevin Flynn, prior to his entry into the electronic world- 1982

Posts: 0
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 5:17 PM
25th Anniversary Tron showing, June 17 2007, Aero Theatre, Los Angeles area.

The schedule:
5pm, introduction by Steven Lisberger.
Tron shown in 70mm projection.
7pm, panel discussion with Steven Lisberger, Harrison Ellenshaw, Richard Taylor, Syd Mead, Bill Kroyer, Bruce Boxleitner, Dan Shor.
Intermission, fans get autographs and take photos with the guests.
Star Trek 2 the Wrath of Khan, double feature.

Some items from the panel discussion (from scribbled notes and to the best of my recollection):

Asked about a Tron sequel, Steven Lisberger said he'd pitched a story about a search engine but the idea didn't get support, in large part because the people he pitched to didn't know what a search engine is.

SL said Tron wasn't a success among adult moviegoers because they didn't understand it, adding that the 10 year olds did understand it. (Applause from audience, made up mostly of those same kids.)

SL anecdote: the filming of Tron required so much lighting that it blew the fuses at their studio and caused a power outage in Burbank. SL joked that all of Burbank's power is in the Tron movie.

Boxleitner and Shor talked about joining the Tron movie, and their interactions on the set with director, cast, and crew. They talked about the unique experience of being the first actors to do what's now common in Hollywood movies, acting on an empty set for effects that are added later.

Panel anecdote: Jeff Bridges was competitive in playing the BattleZone game on the movie set. SL jokingly said Jeff got so good that he took it to places its designers hadn't intended.

Panel anecdote: many attractive women tried out for the role of Yori, the filmmakers couldn't decide whom to pick. One of the panelists said he suggested they hire whoever could spell chrysanthemum. SL added, "Cindy is an extremely good speller."

SL corrected a common myth that Peter O'Toole was tapped to play Sark.

SL noted that he didn't think the studio marketed Tron as well as it should have been marketed.

SL noted, with some irony, that the studio offices of Tron's great artists and animators are now offices for PR and marketing people.

Panel anecdote: Moebius was the first to design the electronic world costumes, which resembled padded coats mainly. SL said (one of the panelists whose name I didn't catch but maybe it's on the Tron DVD) came up with the circuit design costume. SL said the drawings were impressive.

In answering a question, panelists said it took up to 10 minutes to render one frame of computer animation. SL said it took one month to render (a tank scene?), noting that the scene was duplicated in Maya in one day.

SL said today's anniversary showing in 70mm projection was how Tron was designed to be seen. He said Tron wasn't meant for televisions and computer screens.

Panel anecdote: someone once told them that the Tron world's nightwalker women were the first pr0n computer women of the computer age.

SL noted, with some irony, that they filmed Tron in black and white 25 years ago whereas today's digital effects teams are thinking about how to use modern computers to generate black and white computer effects.

SL and panelists recounted how they were at the start of the modern age of computer effects and computers, saying they felt like explorers standing on a mountain top, overlooking the scenery and its possibilities.

They said the original idea was for the Tron world to be animated, with only one live-action character.

Panelists said they were constantly pushing the envelope when making the movie, and often risked biting more than they could chew. They said this was in step with Disney history, noting that the classic Disney animators said the same thing about encountering new problems on each film and having to innovate. (Say it, "There are no problems, only solutions.")

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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 7:34 PM
johntron1 Wrote:
Panelists said they were constantly pushing the envelope when making the movie, and often risked biting more than they could chew. They said this was in step with Disney history, noting that the classic Disney animators said the same thing about encountering new problems on each film and having to innovate. (Say it, "There are no problems, only solutions.")

Yeah.. what happened with that? That is definately not the case these days.


Posts: 5,314
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Tuesday, June, 19, 2007 8:53 PM
Glad you guys like the pics.

Dan Shor and his wife will be at my home in about 15 minutes to sit for headshots.

This is great! Maybe someday I can shoot with Jeff Bridges, except he's a photographer too and he's really good.

Oh well, look for some headshot samples soon!



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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Wednesday, June, 20, 2007 2:08 AM
Oh, to have been there......!!!!!!!!

Sector Admin

Posts: 4,467
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Wednesday, June, 20, 2007 12:05 PM

johntron1 Wrote:Asked about a Tron sequel, Steven Lisberger said he'd pitched a story about a search engine but the idea didn't get support, in large part because the people he pitched to didn't know what a search engine is.

SL noted, with some irony, that the studio offices of Tron's great artists and animators are now offices for PR and marketing people.
Yep, that sounds like today's Disney all right. Poor old Walt is probably spinning in his grave.

SL corrected a common myth that Peter O'Toole was tapped to play Sark.
Okay, I find this interesting. Because according to the commentary on the DVD, Lisberger said that O'Toole was indeed under consideration to play Sark. So, was he joking in that commentary?

Cyclist Wrote:Oh, to have been there......!!!!!!!!
Ditto. Thanks for the pictures Dave, for those of us who couldn't be there.



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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Wednesday, June, 20, 2007 1:42 PM

Thanks for posting the pictures, Dave. They were awesome.on line abortion pill misoprostol dose abortion medical abortion pill onlinewhere to buy abortion pill ordering abortion pills to be shipped to house buy abortion pill online


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Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Wednesday, June, 20, 2007 3:49 PM
Dan Shor and his wife will be at my home in about 15 minutes to sit for headshots.
That is so awesome!

look for some headshot samples soon!
Thank you, Dave!


Posts: 0
Re: TRON Screening This Sunday

on Wednesday, June, 20, 2007 4:20 PM
Okay, I find this interesting. Because according to the commentary on the DVD, Lisberger said that O'Toole was indeed under consideration to play Sark. So, was he joking in that commentary?

A friend pointed out the DVD commentary too, and said I should clarify. I didn't have recording devices so am going by scribbled notes and memory, therefore I might have some things wrong. Here's Steven's approximate quote, to the best of my recollection.

"The Wikipedia entry for Tron has something wrong. Everything else on Wikipedia is right, but the part about Peter O'Toole is wrong. Peter wanted very much to play the role of Tron, and tried to convince us he could handle the role's physical activity."

I interpreted it to mean that the entire Wikipedia entry about Peter was wrong (which says Peter was tapped to play Sark). However, Steven might have been correcting one part of the entry not the entire entry. His words don't necessarily contradict the Sark story. Since Peter was interacting with Steven and the crew, there was clearly some kind of Tron connection between Steven and Peter. However, it's not clear what that connection was, because the moderators had to keep the questions going and didn't ask for details

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