Falty User
 Posts: 160 | Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Tuesday, August, 20, 2013 6:01 PM
Greetings! I wanted to share with everyone a little project that has been brewing for quite some time. Since noone seems to be releasing the Shiva laser model I've decided to give it a try. Since this is my first "Toy" I could certainly use some input. The details on the laser is pretty limited so I had to fill in the details with some creativity.
enough chatter. Here it is
The Bio containers can be filled with what've you'd like. there will need to be paint and surface prep to get the final look but this is modeled for 3D printing
Shiva laser can be purchased from:
Kat User
 Posts: 2,394 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Wednesday, August, 21, 2013 8:57 PM
Oh, this is pretty nifty.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
What do you want? I'm busy.
Program, please!
Chaos.... good news. |
BigE73 User
 Posts: 77 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Wednesday, August, 21, 2013 9:12 PM
Nice! I was working on a similar project; printed in multiple pieces for a laser scanner enclosure. yours turned out very well.
several of my projects are currently on hold, as I broke my hand not too long ago. As a result, I've had to reduce my work load temporarily. projects take me a bit longer at the moment.
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I can probably make make that, Just ask. |
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, August, 22, 2013 2:13 AM
Boo that sucks, big E. Thank you very much for the compliment. So far things are looking really good and I'm going through the motions of all the processes because I'm looking to become a custom toymaker. What's better than starting off with my favorite toy line?abortion pills online http://www.kvicksundscupen.se/template/default.aspx?abortion-questions cytotec abortion
LucrataNexarii User
![]() Posts: 234 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, August, 22, 2013 4:32 AM
While I haven't personally looked up much information on the emergence and various processes and availability of services concerning 3D printing, I've certainly seen a number of impressive works emerge here and there.
I both wish you luck with your effort, and I look forward to any news or information you might have to share about your experience and experiences, Falty. If you can bring a great representation of the Shiva Laser to life, I am certain that many fans of TRON would be most glad.
Letters sent to Disney: 7
Let them hear 'Tron lives!!'  |
jediknight0 User
 Posts: 217 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Tuesday, September, 03, 2013 10:11 PM
If you are interested in 3D printing, check out the MakiBox.
It's not out yet (and there are plenty of people upset over that, so don't consider this an endorsement), but if it does ship it appears to be a MakerBot Replicator quality 3D printer for between $200 to $300, rather than $2500.
Full disclosure - I'm waiting for mine. I hope to have it in time for xmas.
 Posts: 573 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Wednesday, September, 04, 2013 6:26 AM
What I want to know is, will it be actual size?
It would be good if it was-you would make a conversational piece.  order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill
BigE73 User
 Posts: 77 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, September, 05, 2013 8:20 AM
I'm familiar with the Makibox, the build envelope is pretty small on that one. for the same money you spend on a Makibox, you could get a PrintrBot simple, and you'd already be up and running. It has the same build volume and in kit form they're about $300, ($400 pre-assembled) you can also increase the length of the x and z axis with a $60 kit to increase the build volume.
I currently have a Replicator 2, and I'm in the process of building an 8" Prusa i3
It's pretty easy to build a printer yourself if you have the skills required, and a lot more cost effective as well.
as for printing a full-size shiva laser, that's a challenging task, most printers are too small to handle the sheer scale; I've considered printing parts for a full-size version, using PVC pipe to assemble the bulk of it, and using printed parts to make it look like the screen version.
I can probably make make that, Just ask. |
jediknight0 User
 Posts: 217 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, September, 05, 2013 8:45 PM
BigE73 Wrote:I'm familiar with the Makibox, the build envelope is pretty small on that one. for the same money you spend on a Makibox, you could get a PrintrBot simple, and you'd already be up and running. It has the same build volume and in kit form they're about $300, ($400 pre-assembled) you can also increase the length of the x and z axis with a $60 kit to increase the build volume.
True, the MakiBox isn't out now but has a (slightly) bigger build area and does both PLA & ABS for $299. If you only want to do PLA like the PrintrBot, it's only $199.
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BigE73 User
 Posts: 77 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Friday, September, 06, 2013 9:43 AM
jediknight0 Wrote:
True, the MakiBox isn't out now but has a (slightly) bigger build area and does both PLA & ABS for $299. If you only want to do PLA like the PrintrBot, it's only $199.
this is debatable.
Makibox build envelope is: 150mm wide x 110mm deep x 90mm tall
Printrbot simple output is almost identical out of the box, being 4" cubed (meaning 101mm for each axis) so, your makibox has an extra 2" wide x axis, y axis is almost 1" deeper, but the simple has about 1" of extra z height. differences are negligible.
You can swap out some of the printrbot's rods, and a piece of monofilament (the x belt) and increase the x and z axis to 7.5" (or 190.5mm) which would allow for a much greater build volume. the kit to do this costs $65. You can't do that with a makibox. you would need to re-design and cut new panels for it's enclosure.
If you want to print ABS, you need to add a heat bed, not a major upgrade, as the Printrboard has heatbed output and an available port for another thermistor. or, you can just buy a junior, preassembled, with a heatbed and a 150x150x150mm build envelope, machined aluminum buildplate, plus it can be folded for easy transport; that's $699, but it has a larger output than the makibox. these machines are still open source, so you can cut your own parts, and build them yourself to make one for even less.
of course the main reason I wouldn't get a makibox is simple: It uses drive screws on every axis. a drive screw is great, for the z axis, which doesn't need to move all that fast, but on the x and y, this is a bad design, as you will get print inaccuracy from the wobble of the threaded rod, and your print speeds will need to be much slower (why do you think all other printers use some sort of belt and pulley arrangement on the x and y axis?)
once you run a few parts on a machine, you realize how critical your movement and extrusion rates are, at 100mm/sec, a 4" cubed print can take about an hour, depending on infill and layer height. if you need to print at 30-40mm/sec to compensate for wobble and the step-rate of a threaded rod, well, let's just say you'll be waiting a while for that same cube to print.
But that's just my personal, experienced opinion.
I watched this video of a "supposed" live print of a bunny on the makibox. Funny, I don't hear the steppers running, and the video is awfully jerky (like it's been sped-up), still, to print a hollow bunny (with no real infill just hollow internal supports) it took 2+ hours to print:
Not trying to hate on Makibox, it's an interesting design, and it looks like they've been trying to address many of the shortcomings, but nobody has one of these yet, and it ships from china, so until I get a hands-on, or enough people have given an unbiased review of it, I'm skeptical (a Printrboard alone costs $130, so they definitely aren't getting theirs from Brook, likely they're making their own knockoff to keep costs down). I can probably make make that, Just ask. |
jediknight0 User
 Posts: 217 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Sunday, September, 08, 2013 6:05 PM
BigE73 Wrote:Not trying to hate on Makibox, it's an interesting design, and it looks like they've been trying to address many of the shortcomings, but nobody has one of these yet, and it ships from china, so until I get a hands-on, or enough people have given an unbiased review of it, I'm skeptical (a Printrboard alone costs $130, so they definitely aren't getting theirs from Brook, likely they're making their own knockoff to keep costs down). |
All fair points.
I looked at the PrintBot and the the MakiBox, and the MakiBox just looked just a more polished design. I'm not an expert at 3D printing, and the MakiBox has been plagued with delay after delay, but it looks to me that this is shaping up to be a really solid product for an incredible price compared to the competitors.
In any case, this is a temporarily solution for me until the liquid resin printers (like the Form 1) have a little more time to mature. Ultimately that's the only solution which will give me the resolution I really want.
BigE73 User
 Posts: 77 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Tuesday, September, 10, 2013 9:37 AM
Indeed, resin-based SLS printers are interesting, but they do have two drawbacks to be aware of:
1) The resulting prints, while higher resolution, can be fragile compared to a FDM printed part; not ideal if you're looking to print a functional, load-bearing part for some applications; however, as a master for a cast part, it would be a good way to go. also if you are making static models or sculpture, it would be a good choice. Some resins are better than others, however.
2) The consumables are very expensive by comparison, about $150 for a 1-liter bottle, not to mention light sensitive, so it doesn't keep as long as standard filament.
Formlabs has a page in their store where they sell the stuff; more info, including MSDS can be found there: http://formlabs.com/products/material I can probably make make that, Just ask. |
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Friday, September, 13, 2013 4:12 PM
I haven't made much progress on this due to a lack of funds and finding more contract work. I'll will get some work done on the model this weekend. Hopefully, I can get a print of it next week. If anyone would like one, let me know.
HooDooMan User
 Posts: 585 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Saturday, September, 14, 2013 3:48 AM
Hey Falty,
It looks good so far! I can't wait to see your progress on it.
If you're looking for some reference shots, the Disney Second Screen App for TRON: Legacy has some pretty good photos of the laser in it. You might be able to pull some details off of those images.order abortion pill morning after pill price where to buy abortion pill
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Wednesday, January, 29, 2014 8:48 PM
Okay everyone! I have been Massively beavering away on this collectible for a while now. I'm opening it up for preorders. Anyone who would like one should give input on any details that are missing or they would like to see in the final print.
The Shiva Laser kit will be $150 + shipping. Should take about a week or less, from purchase to your door within the Continental US. It will require gluing, assembly, and paint
There will be an addition parts kit that needs to be assembled by me and shipped to you for the detail; braided hoses and clear bio-matter cylinder sleeves. Once there are a few out there I will be working on more detail kits to make the lasers even more realistic.
For the actual laser we have a couple of options:
- Laser pen from this link http://www.aulola.com/silver-body-green-laser-pointer-10mw.html
- Laser module with barrel upgrade + $25 and shipping http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00ARAVIMC/ref=s9_simh_gw_p229_d0_i2?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-2&pf_rd_r=1BZ5PX1C8WY7R6DMKGVG&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=1688200382&pf_rd_i=507846
It stands at 7" tall and will fit nicely within the scale of the 12" CLU and Sam.
Have a peek and post your name in this list with your laser option to get one.
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BigE73 User
 Posts: 77 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, January, 30, 2014 12:09 PM
Looks Great!
I don't suppose you'd consider a .stl distro option, for those of us with our own machines?
Looks like you're making this into a resin kit too; If so that's awfully cool! I can probably make make that, Just ask. |
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, January, 30, 2014 2:52 PM
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Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Thursday, January, 30, 2014 4:56 PM
I've found a few details that i didn't see before. Going to add them in and repost update pictures
Falty User
 Posts: 160 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Friday, July, 25, 2014 5:34 PM
Went ahead and ordered the Shiva laser to be printed! Soooooooo excited!!!
LucrataNexarii User
![]() Posts: 234 | RE: Making the SHV 20905 Shiva digitizing laser on Saturday, July, 26, 2014 9:50 AM
I'm very much looking forward to the result, Falty!
Letters sent to Disney: 7
Let them hear 'Tron lives!!'  |