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 What's with your name??

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Posts: 106
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, February, 17, 2008 10:43 PM
Logansneo is based on one of my longtime favorite comic book heroes, Wolverine, and one of my favorite film characters, Neo. I admit that I've stuck with this handle over the years partially out of laziness because it's almost never used by anyone else, and because I don't need to remember a thousand different user names for every forum I visit!where to buy abortion pill buy abortion pill online

Green Tank Commander

Posts: 45
Re: What's with your name??

on Monday, February, 25, 2008 8:36 PM
When I was a kid, green was my favorite color. So I of course thought the tank programs were coolist looking characters in the movie. I also have an interest in types of body armor and they had the most coverings and biggest helmets so I had to choose to be the GTC

"Range 9. Mark, 45. 48 degrees...Hold it...Hold it. FIRE!"

Flynn should never have written all those tank programs.

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 1:03 PM
My screen name has been this way ever since I had a Xanga account. I could have put in TechnoFan, like I wanted too, but the blog site said it was already taken. So I slapped a couple of numbers on there.

Come to find out, I am glad I am called TechnoFan21 because the dude who was called technofan was a racist KKK b***ard.

So, in the end, it all works out.


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 4:18 PM
I pick my name because in class im the a+ student for art
and i saw the tron movie and i do lots of tron art i just dont post it here on tron sectorabortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, March, 02, 2008 5:41 PM
June is my birth month ^^
Not very original, I know, but I was asked to tell, so I do :P
June is my nick in RL too, because there are a lot of 'Ina's around me, and I was often confused with the other ones. ^^
In VL June was always my nick too - Sometimes also as 'Commander June' or 'June Doe' - It's somehow natural grown, and I wouldn't want to change it ^^
... That will be all
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We protest you calling us little kids.
We prefer to be called vertically-impaired pre-adults.


Posts: 7
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, March, 04, 2008 12:34 AM
My name (Zaz) come from my Video Warriors Cycles, had some Hacker friends with pirate names. I didn't hack computer or pirate software, I played games (on the other side of the screen) back when we could only use Three letters. Added the "Man" When I started fighting Rogue and Currupted programs and rebuliding worlds.order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 1
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, March, 06, 2008 3:13 AM
What IS in a name, anyways?

"Slipstream", from well before any other sci-fi references, and before I learned about high speed car racing...

...was because I loved airplanes, and the atmospheric effect known as the Slipstream.

And there you have it.
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Posts: 68
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, March, 14, 2008 2:18 AM
Ok after reading many of these pages I guess its my turn.
iGame3D is a game design and 3D modeling software I make with big help from a fellow named Tobi, who'd never even seen TRON until I told him to watch it (amazing!).

So how did this name come about? Well in the Spring of 2001 I went to E3 (remember those) and met Apple's game marketing manager (now at Microsoft's Xbox division) and told him all my schemes and dreams of what the world of game development should be like and how Apple really should produce an iGame application that makes game dev super easy and cool to use the way Photoshop is. Someone must have been listening to me because Second basically the virtual MMO game dev world I'd spoken of and Unity is all iGame3D should be.

Step forward six months and I'm preaching that their should be this program and the Mac game developers are all like "it will never happen", "nobody will ever make that" and "Go make it yourself". It was a fun fight, and I was right. Yay!
Then I see a post "Check out my game engine", just a dinky little FPS from this sixteen year old kid (maybe he was just 15 at the time), and I send him an email and say "what are you going to do with's my dream", he says "sounds cool lets do that".

For the first year the engine was just an engine with some extra scripting words we made up and was called T3D...I'd always guessed for Tobi's 3D. Then we evolved the engine drastically and needed a real product name, of the twenty or so I came up with iGame3D was the coolest and we'd secretly hoped that if we did things right Apple would buy it and ship it on every machine. Well I'm a total noob and Tobi was just a high school kid, so that didn't happen, but we got ourselves a great name and cool dot com address to boot.

End of Line.

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Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Monday, March, 17, 2008 11:12 AM
Well, i wanted some sort of TRON theme to my name,so i got Ð474, If you dont know what it means,Use a L33t to proper english transalator or do it yourself,and you will see.
And with the .Dll part, i just opened a game folder and looked at the first file type i saw.

Imma firin mah E-mail!

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Saturday, March, 29, 2008 8:52 PM
Mine is all about JavaScript. I am part of a JavaScript-2-programming-language-project called "Jangaroo", which is not yet available to the public, unfortunately, but I mention it in my blog. "Joo" is a short form of "Jangaroo", sounds a bit like "Joe" or hints at "juice" (=> electricity), and can be written consisting completely of square brackets, which are so essential for accessing dynamic properties in JavaScript: ][][]abortion pills online abortion pill online purchase cytotec abortion


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, May, 01, 2008 8:31 AM
You all have very interesting name meanings..My name on an Original Character I made with the help of a friend..and he is the son of Commander Sark. Thats basically it..:P


Posts: 4,349
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, May, 01, 2008 8:48 AM
474.dll Wrote:Well, i wanted some sort of TRON theme to my name,so i got 474, If you dont know what it means,Use a L33t to proper english transalator or do it yourself,and you will see.
And with the .Dll part, i just opened a game folder and looked at the first file type i saw.

That's sorta how I came up with the .dll part of my name, too!

TRON 2.0 (PC) name - TRON.dll
I'll play any mode, but I'm best at LC.

PSN - TRON-dll
XBOX Live/Games for Windows Live - TRONdll
-I have a Wii, DS, and 3DS. PM me to exchange friend codes.

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Saturday, May, 31, 2008 4:36 AM
Well, my name boils down to an anagram of my real name with an 'x' thrown in, ala Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts 2.

Me and my friends have a club running on deviantArt where we created our own Organization and nobodies, and we draw/roleplay/etc. for the club.

Naturally, I chose 'Space Paranoids' for Droxbann's world.

And thus, my nobody and Program were created in one motion.


Posts: 1,747
Re: What's with your name??

on Saturday, May, 31, 2008 1:03 PM

It took me all of ten seconds to realize your name was Brandon :P
Interestingly enough, this was brought up not to long ago in a thread somewhere.
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In the midst of Team Fortress 2:
TRON.dll: (Captures the intelligence) "I have take the intelligence and it will cause meltdown!"
Cam_the_Man: "No! Not all of Dallas!"

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Monday, July, 07, 2008 2:44 PM
my name is my real name..order abortion pill abortion pill buy online where to buy abortion pill


Posts: 593
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, July, 11, 2008 11:09 PM
As far as my name, "RenegadeProgram" I chose it because I've always been the type of person who's pretty much marched to my own drummer, and fiercely dissented and rebelled against what was considered popular and/or cool, even going back to Kindergarten and all the way up through High School, college and beyond.

While many seemed to worry about being popular, or worry about superficial pursuits, i.e., name-brand clothing, shoes, and other surface aspects, I really didn't care and grew tired of people who made it an issue or deemed me "weird" or "strange" because of it. My thing was someone can like me, or they can hate me, but they best respect me either way, or there will be problems.

Popularity was never a concern of mine, even going back to Kindergarten -I may have not had alot of friends and may have been considered rigid, but I never succumbed to the typical tragedies or trials that many teenagers face, i.e., drugs, teen parenthood, jail, flunking, and peer pressure. I kinda kept to myself and was extremely introverted (finding solace in books, art, music, movies, creative writing, and videogames), but could be extroverted enough to get by. I also could be brandish a sharp tongue and an atomic temper, if someone pissed me off. I still dissent to what many consider "in" and/or "popular" or "cool" to this very day.

As far as the program part. . .that's pretty self-explanatory, as it comes from my 20+ year-old fascination with TRON. If I was sucked inside a computer, I'd be on the game grid whipping butt, and also scheming with all the blue and yellow programs (and other programs under the brutality of Sark, the MCP and their henchmen) to take over and reclaim all sectors to wipe out Sark and all his forces.

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Fighting for TRON, The USERS, Both Flynns, Independents, and the mighty ISOs since '82.

Posts: 84
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, July, 27, 2008 7:10 PM
I actually got my name from an idea that popped in my head once a band called Fear Factory released their 4th album "Digimortal". Since then, Ive been using Digideus as my moniker online and elsewhere when I DJ rock nights or radio, etc...

I did actually have someone ask me if it meant "Finger of god" as well, because I play guitar, but alas, no.

Its funny, more people know me as "Digi" now than my real name. Is that scarily geeky?


Posts: 85
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, July, 27, 2008 7:16 PM
Leovinus is a character from a Douglas Adams video game called Starship Titanic. Very funny game.


Posts: 44
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, August, 05, 2008 1:37 PM
One of my favourite comic strips from the early 90's was called Zenith, by Grant Morrison and Steve Yeowell. It ran in 2000ad in the UK. I liked it so much, I bought the username

>> 10 rem *CONFORM*
>> 20 goto 10

>> "...and I'm outta the loop"

Posts: 235
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, August, 07, 2008 9:31 AM
Way back in the day when I was in fifth grade (I want to say 1998? 1999?), a buddy of mine and myself started playing around with an Apple IIe they had in the school library for this really crappy literacy test thing. I dug up a couple of old kids books on how to program in BASIC, and from there we started making cheesy little programs and text games. We needed a name for our little studio, but all of the ones we came up with were already taken, until I figured TechFalcon would be cool since falcons are badass and Tech makes it sound futuristic. He ended up failing out of school, but I kept the name and pretty much use it on everything I do now from design to animation to video. Check that stuff out here:


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