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 What's with your name??

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Sector Admin

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Re: What's with your name??

on Saturday, June, 26, 2004 9:18 PM
wwwmwww Wrote:...Anyways most people I tell this to think I'm crazy so in the past I've actually not told many people this whole story and I won't tell the whole story here...

Oh - that's what that means. I've been wondering. I thought it might have been a www (world wide web) thing or something like that, but it was just Wiki Waki Wahoo - that makes perfect sense!

Actually it seems strange and creative - two excellent traits in my book. I love anything with a good "odd" factor to it.

Crazy? Well if so, you're in good company, my friend

I LOVE your sequel name for Lawn Mower Man - that was great! You know - I think that would have made for a MUCH better film than the actual sequel to it


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, June, 27, 2004 10:34 AM
i second that..sounds much more interesting than the sequel actually was...and yes, you are definately in good company being crazy....but what fun is life if you're not a little crazy at times?

not any, at least, not to me....and belive me, i can be a little crazy at times...just ask layer

kid at heart..goddess by nature
">WHATEVER: It All Matters

Posts: 73
Re: What's with your name??

on Monday, June, 28, 2004 2:45 PM
I'm taking TheReelTodd's advice and adding my historical 2 cents to this thread.

Some of you (probably most of you) already know what "ettercap" is, but for those who don't here it is: Ettercap is a UNIX-based app that does basically what my signature states - it's a system watchdog and covert ops specialist. To quote the ettercap homepage: "Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many features for network and host analysis." It has the ability to not only monitor traffic coming in to a network, but it can also identify any spoofed IP addresses, isolate them from the network and kill their connection. Ettercap is also a rather powerful hacking *ahem* "security" program in that it can not only spoof an IP address itself, but can be used to pull login IDs and Passwords from in-coming streams. ...These are just a few of the things that ettercap can do. It really is an amazingly powerful tool. (If you want to learn more about it try here and here).

So why and how did I choose it? Here’s my little story: My first choice for my on-line name was "Thedus"... which is an obscure ALIEN reference. ...If you are wrinkling your foreheads wondering how that has anything to do with ALIEN I'll give you a hint: Ripley and Dallas are in a corridor discussing Ash. (…I'm a bit of an obsessive ALIEN saga fan. ) However, Thedus (which I have used in other forums) didn't seem to work very well. So I thought about what kind of program would I want my alter ego to be in the world of Tron? As a graphic designer I can't imagine that Illustrator, FreeHand, or Photoshop would be very interesting on the game grid... I rather imagine them as being a lot like Crom. Then I started thinking about the fact that I was referred to as the "resident hacker" at one of my previous jobs. ...Interestingly enough I'm not a hacker, nor have I ever really done what I would consider "real hacking," I got the nick name because I new my way around the network a little bit and could weasel out small problems, and I knew a few tricks. ...All of this is rather amusing since I hate dealing with network issues, and consider myself the last person that someone should ever go to for LAN trouble shooting. However, they had a Network Admin on staff, and he would come to me ...a graphic designer, for help. (shakes head in disbelief). So I began to think about various security programs, and Nessus came to mind, but it seemed a bit too passive for my alter ego. And then it hit me: "ettercap." It was the perfect! The program has defensive and well as offensive capabilities, and it's the kind of program that would be really great to know on the game grid. ...of course you could never really know what side he was playing due to his nature, but would be a great asset in the right situations (kinda like Han Solo).

(Takes a deep breath...) And there you have it. That's why I chose "ettercap" as my Tron-Sector name.

01000101 01001110 01000100 0010000001001111 01000110 00100000 0100110001001001 01001110 01000101 00101110
Box Full of Sky


Posts: 2,691
Re: What's with your name??

on Monday, June, 28, 2004 8:34 PM
ettercap Wrote:I'm taking TheReelTodd's advice and adding my historical 2 cents to this thread.

Some of you (probably most of you) already know what "ettercap" is, but for those who don't here it is: Ettercap is a UNIX-based app that does basically what my signature states - it's a system watchdog and covert ops specialist. To quote the ettercap homepage: "Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many features for network and host analysis." It has the ability to not only monitor traffic coming in to a network, but it can also identify any spoofed IP addresses, isolate them from the network and kill their connection. Ettercap is also a rather powerful hacking *ahem* "security" program in that it can not only spoof an IP address itself, but can be used to pull login IDs and Passwords from in-coming streams. ...These are just a few of the things that ettercap can do. It really is an amazingly powerful tool. (If you want to learn more about it try here and here).

So why and how did I choose it? Here’s my little story: My first choice for my on-line name was "Thedus"... which is an obscure ALIEN reference. ...If you are wrinkling your foreheads wondering how that has anything to do with ALIEN I'll give you a hint: Ripley and Dallas are in a corridor discussing Ash. (…I'm a bit of an obsessive ALIEN saga fan. ) However, Thedus (which I have used in other forums) didn't seem to work very well. So I thought about what kind of program would I want my alter ego to be in the world of Tron? As a graphic designer I can't imagine that Illustrator, FreeHand, or Photoshop would be very interesting on the game grid... I rather imagine them as being a lot like Crom. Then I started thinking about the fact that I was referred to as the "resident hacker" at one of my previous jobs. ...Interestingly enough I'm not a hacker, nor have I ever really done what I would consider "real hacking," I got the nick name because I new my way around the network a little bit and could weasel out small problems, and I knew a few tricks. ...All of this is rather amusing since I hate dealing with network issues, and consider myself the last person that someone should ever go to for LAN trouble shooting. However, they had a Network Admin on staff, and he would come to me ...a graphic designer, for help. (shakes head in disbelief). So I began to think about various security programs, and Nessus came to mind, but it seemed a bit too passive for my alter ego. And then it hit me: "ettercap." It was the perfect! The program has defensive and well as offensive capabilities, and it's the kind of program that would be really great to know on the game grid. ...of course you could never really know what side he was playing due to his nature, but would be a great asset in the right situations (kinda like Han Solo).

(Takes a deep breath...) And there you have it. That's why I chose "ettercap" as my Tron-Sector name.

I thought an ettercap was a monster from D&D. I've fought them alot when I've played Baldur's Gate.


"The flippity on the google loads the Flynn to the disc battles the guy bad. Day wins. Said nuff!" - DaveTRON

Jack Thompson is to attorneys what Fred Phelps is to organized religion - Me


Posts: 73
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, June, 29, 2004 7:58 AM
Interesting. ...I wonder what the etemology of the name "ettercap" is? I wouldn't be surprised if a programmer used it as a reference to his D&D days.

...Once a geek always a geek.

01000101 01001110 01000100 0010000001001111 01000110 00100000 0100110001001001 01001110 01000101 00101110
Box Full of Sky


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, July, 01, 2004 10:06 AM
Interesting story. I thought it was just a jumble of letters that make up your initials of your real name for some strange reason or another. I just sorta based my alter ego off of a cross between Asuka Langly from Evangelon, Sakura from Naruto, Naruto from well Naruto, Inu-yasha from Inu-yasha and of course with myself thrown in to the mix. (Wow! A mouthful!) I think Kia might know who most of these characters are.... ^_~


What should I put here today?

Posts: 3,488
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, July, 01, 2004 1:32 PM

Anime = good

Tron = <3

Anime + Tron = ... *tries to think how that would compute*

But honestly, everyone's got very interesting reasons for their names

Kia: Cool. I'm a infamous mythological perfect User.


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, July, 02, 2004 9:17 AM
KiaPurity Wrote:Yup.

Anime = good

Tron = order abortion pill where to buy abortion pill

What should I put here today?
The PimpDragon

Posts: 652
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, July, 02, 2004 3:38 PM
Well, the name The PimpDragon is my monicker in my group of friends - the 108 Dragons (2 points if you know which anime that comes from!). We all have code names, and mine came from my love of Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon (Sho'nuff owns you all), my wardrobe (because people tell me I dress like a pimp, maybe it's my pimp hat and Blingdalion (tm), who knows?), and because I study Aikido. Plus, I dearly love the Hughes Brothers' documentary "American Pimp" and am a huge fan of the movie "The Mack" and the late, great Iceberg Slim's excellent book, "Pimp: The Story of My Life."

Take pimping + martial arts + The Last Dragon and you get The PimpDragon.

As far as what I do, well, I do MUCHO acting and my wife and I have our own theater company in Charleston, WV. We just found out we are going to have a baby, so I guess I'm becoming a dad - and don't worry, my child will grow to love Tron, so help me!

I love movies and have my own home theater room known as the Movie Room (tm) and the PimpLair (tm). I have all kinds of cool movie memorabilia around the room, from a replica of Indy's hat, whip and pouch (which is an actual 1939 British Army satchel just like they used in Temple of Doom), to my signed pictures of Darth Vader from the one and only David Prowse to my Return of the Jedi script signed by Lawrence Kasdan.

I watch my Tron DVD and listen to the soundtrack religiously and through my fascination with the film I landed here.

It's very nice to meet all of you and I hope to get to know you more!


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, August, 13, 2004 9:38 PM
Omega was a name I used for many characters. because it sounded cool. Later I made up the names meaning. It means the end of my opponents. When I got tron 2.0 I tacked on .User to it. So there you have it.

"Alan one computed that a User would be five hundred twenty-six times more powerful operating within the system than from without." -Ma3a

Posts: 3,301
Re: What's with your name??

on Sunday, August, 15, 2004 11:14 PM
Well, I never really knew this thread existed until TheReelTodd pointed it out in a different thread. Thanks ReelTodd! You do a great job of keeping us all informed, especially the newbies who come to Tron-Sector.

Anyways, on to "Traahn."

It all started way back in the early days of, or (when that URL used to apply to the PC game). The site allowed you to register with it. Since I didn't want to take the name "Tron" (I didn't feel worthy and I didn't want to steal the thunder of the name), I chose a similar-sounding alternative, "Traahn"

I realized how much of a sinner I would be to take, "Tron." After deciding on the name "Traahn," I of course had second thoughts as I feared some people might mispronounce it as "Tran." (doh!)

Hopefully, though, the "aah" part of the name (similar to going to the doctor and s/he making you say, "ahhhhh") makes most people say it as "Tron." How did you all pronounce my name before I wrote my story here?

[Edited for length.]
End of line.

"There's a sixty-eight point seven one percent chance you're right."

I'm getting out of here right now, and you guys are invited. -----^

Posts: 1
Re: What's with your name??

on Wednesday, August, 25, 2004 5:29 AM
My name goes back to the dark ages of computing when I used to call myself "Viper" or something attached along with "Viper", and I used to use that name on BBS systems (back in the days before the Internet was.......the Internet)

Then I decided to join a group and I needed a character name, so I started thinking of stuff and eventually decided to shuffle my username around and ended up with "V'Pier" (yep, there's an apostrophe in there), and it's basically pronounced "Vy-Pier" which doesn't sound like "Vy-Per".

And I've been using V'Pier ever since that day (at least 14 years or so at this point).

Ok, who's next?

VPier - Ver. 5.1
"Same thing we do everynight Pinky.exe, Try to take over the Internet!"

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Wednesday, August, 25, 2004 9:28 AM
My name is my character AKIO's callsign. He pilots a blue Reco for the users (His world is POST-MCP). He scouts the different sectors, searching for corrupted data and/or virae.

I created this character for use in my fanfic, TRON 2.1: Beta Version. Go to the new fanfic forum to find out more!


"Oh man, this isn't happening, it only THINKS it's happening..."

"Where are my sacrifices? I demand... MACARONI PICTURES!!" -- Moses, from the South Park episode, "Jewbilee"


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Thursday, August, 26, 2004 12:21 PM
My name, Lightforce, has been my internet name for a long time. The first time I used it was when we got our first PC and a net connection. I used it then as the Yahoo! mail name.

The name's origin is in the movie Star Wars, because I wanted to be on the light side. So, I'm light side jedi using thr Force, that's why I'm Lightforce. I also noticed that this name is quite rare in the net, and that's good.


Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Saturday, September, 25, 2004 8:02 AM
well i activated in 1995 and was a gaming program to play games like gltron,space paranoids,and tron 2.0.
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Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, October, 01, 2004 7:03 AM
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Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Friday, October, 01, 2004 11:49 PM
i'm a fan of both Yu-Gi-Oh (the first part of my name) and Beyblade (the second part). ^^ I'll explain more later!

Rerezzed Ram

Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, October, 05, 2004 8:09 PM
One of my favorite characters in is Ram!

The other night when I was watching the 20th Anniv. DVD I watched the Making of and heard Dan Shor mention his Grandmother started a letter writing campaign to "Rerez Ram" I really liked that idea so I use the name.

Ram Rocks!

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Posts: 0
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, October, 19, 2004 8:38 AM
I'm not an inventive kind of guy (I used to be a no-forum kind of guy, but I'm getting better); I usually go by the handle Corra, wich is how all of my friends and my family shorten my name. For TronSector, though, I decided to go for something a little different, and I chose TextPad since it's
a. my all-time favorite tool, and
b. a character of a wacky fanfiction I wrote some time ago, wich took part mostly inside my computer, where TextPad was obiouvsly my alterego (a' la Alan-Tron).

I just hope Helios Software won't hold it against me or anything.. DaveTRON, if you feel that I shouldn't use this handle let me know ASAP- I won't hold a grudge

Oh, and as many other cats here (and I'm not surprised in the least) I'm an anime/manga fan, but that's for another issue..


Posts: 5,314
Re: What's with your name??

on Tuesday, October, 19, 2004 10:59 AM
No issues with your handle from my perspective. Welcome.


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